Chapter 276

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The more he entered the center of the mine, the more cultivators and ghosts appeared, and Xiao Jingting killed three cultivators of infancy and a few Jindan cultivators along the way.

"It's weird! These cultivators don't seem to be fools, they are obviously afraid of you, but they still keep plopping." Xu Muan solved the fluttering ghost, a little puzzled.

"It wants to escape, these guys are sent to delay us." Xiao Jingting frowned, pondering.

The Yin Clan has distinct levels, and the low-level cultivators respect the King of the Yin Clan.

The guy in the mine who is about to have an entity should feel his arrival

"Then we speed up." Xu Muan said.

"Okay." Xiao Jingting responded briskly.

The two spoke, and a pile of ghosts threw over.

"Explode." Xiao Jingting threw out several evil spirits thunder thunder, the power of thunder bead is amazing, as soon as it exploded, the ghost beads rolled down to the ground, and those ghosts that were affected by the explosion power of the thunder bead all resisted. Unable to invade and turn into soul beads.

Solving this group of ghosts, Xiao Jingting couldn't help but sneeze.

"What's wrong?" Xu Muan asked.

Xiao Jingting shook his head and said, "It's okay, maybe our son missed me."

Xu Muan smiled and said disapprovingly: "I think Long Xue and Fu Li might miss you, these two guys must be thinking, why don't you show up, don't go to find their way, maybe they have already waited Impatient."

Xiao Jingting tilted his head and said, "It's really possible! Then let's hold on


Xu Muan: "..."

Xiao Jingting and Xu Mu'an saw a ghost beast trying to escape. The ghost beast looks like three **** dogs, probably because the metamorphosis is not yet complete, and the ghost beast is half-empty and half-real. It looks very weak.

When he saw Xiao Jingting, the eyes of Yin Soul Beast were full of anger.

Xiao Jingting shot decisively and slaughtered the ghost beast.

After the Soul Beast died, a golden soul bead dropped.

"This guy is unlucky enough." The ghost beast king who can be transformed into an entity, ordinary Yuanying cultivators have to retreat from Sanshe, but Xiao Jingting is not an ordinary Yuanying master, but also has the nemesis of the Yin soul clan and Tian Leimu.

"It still lacks a little time." If it can be completely transformed into an entity, it may not be an opponent.

"Solved, are we going up?" Xu Muan asked.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said, "Alright."

Xiao Jingting and Xu Muan entered the ninth floor. After the two came up, they did not feel the breath of Long Xue and Fu Li.

"The two people should be waiting for you, so they went to the tenth floor." Xu Muan

Xiao Jingting nodded and said, "It is indeed possible."

"So are we going to the tenth floor?" Xu Muan asked.

"Go, it's all here, you can't give up halfway.

Xu Muan followed Xiao Jingting to the tenth floor. As soon as the two appeared on the tenth floor, a thick swell wave came to the face.


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