Chapter 304

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Xiao Jingting and Xu Muan found a place in Feiyuntian to settle down, preparing to open a panacea.

Xiao Jingting can only refine some first-level and second-level elixir for the time being. In Immortal Realm, if you want to improve alchemy, you basically have to rely on the teacher. Without a teacher, you want to explore alone and upgrade the alchemy. During the cultivation of the realm, alchemists were mostly concentrated in the Dazongmen and the Elixir family, especially in the fairy world.

Xiao Jingting planned to buy some books about alchemy when the sales of immortality medicine were more relaxed.

The alchemy books in the fairy world are expensive, and Xiao Jingting can only think about it now.

"A lot of new elixir in your space!" Xu Muan said.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said, "Yeah! Before, I worked as a pharmacy manager for a rabbit, and it was very convenient to take elixir."

Although Tianyue Mountain Villa mainly planted the radishes of the Tianji rabbit family, there were also other spiritual plants. Xiao Jingting took advantage of his duties and had a lot of money.

"I heard that Tianji Rabbits are so beautiful, you saw a lot of beautiful rabbits!" Xu Muan said.

Xiao Jingting touched his nose and said: "How many beautiful people do not know, how many murderers are true."

Xu Muan: "..."

"How are you at Xu's house!" Xiao Jingting asked Xu Muan.

"It's okay. Elder Xu Qian had originally taken me out of the mining area. Otherwise, I would still mine there." Xu Muan said.

Xiao Jingting pouted and said, "He brought you out to give you Xu Han." Xiao Jingting frowned, it was common for Xianjie to send the stovetop, and Xu Qian rescued Xu Mu'an, also with selfishness.

"Things are over, let alone say." Xu Muan said.

Xiao Jingting stared at Xu Muan and pondered: "Are you deliberately making a mistake and deliberately choosing to be imprisoned?"

Xu Muan lowered his head. After he arrived at Xu's house, the elders of Xu's family wanted to marry Xu Han one by one. They all introduced themselves to Xu Han's benefits all day long. Xu Han's wife and concubine regarded him as a rival. , Hurried to find him trouble.

In desperation, Xu Muan could only design himself to make mistakes. Fortunately, things did not break away from control. He was blessed by misfortune and successfully delayed his marriage.

"You are too risky." Xiao Jingting looked at Xu Muan Road.

Xu Muan smiled, shook his head, and said: "Nothing, in fact, it is better to be confined. The Xu Concubine's wife and concubine who saw him from the outside calculated that the confinement was closed, but it was clean."

Xiao Jingting looked at Xu Muan and apologized: "Sorry, I didn't protect you well."

Xu Muan shook his head and said, "No." Xu Muan had a wish when he was in confinement. When he came out, he could see Xiao Jingting. As a result, he came out of the confinement and his wish came true.


After Xiao Jingting's elixir shop was opened, there were endless stream of cultivators due to its good quality and low price.

The Elixir Shop opened only one day a month. For the rest of the time, Xiao Jingting and Xu Muan both hid in the jade space to practice.

Time flies, eight years in a blink of an eye, Xiao Jingting's cultivation behavior has entered a bottleneck, has been hovering at the summit of Xuxian, Xu Muan's special constitution is activated, and cultivation cultivation suddenly catches up.

[PART2]The Spiritual Plant Master TransmigrationWhere stories live. Discover now