Chapter 288

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Bing Ning controls the flying sword, and anxiously flew into Bingwu's palace.

"Old Ancestor." Bing Ning rushed into Bing Wu's restroom anxiously.

Bingwu glanced at the panic Bing Ning and asked, "What happened?"

Bing Ning took out a crystal ball and said, "The battle image of Xiao Jingting who just arrived."

Bing Wu took the crystal ball and released the battle image. The more he looked, the worse his face became. The fellow Xiao Jingting was more powerful than before.

Bing Wu pursed her lips, and there was a strong sense of crisis in her heart, but in a short period of time, Xiao Jingting's strength has changed dramatically, and this guy will be given another hundred years. adversary.

Bing Ning pursed her lips, her heart filled with deep regret again.

"This guy's current strength, I'm afraid it's already stronger than me, Xiao Jingting should be able to reincarnate can't be wrong." Bing Wu said with a solemn face.

Bing Ning clenched her silver teeth tightly, "Ancestor, Xiao Jingting, is he really that strong? No matter how powerful he is, he is just a Yuan baby!"

Bing Wu watched the fighting images carefully again, full of sorrow and said: "Although Xiao Jingting is still a Yuan baby, he should have touched the barrier."

Ordinary Yuanying Pinnacle and Yuanying Pinnacle that touched the barrier of the God of God are not the same. When Xiao Jingting and her battled before, they should not have reached this step. It is almost the same now.

Bing Ning's eyes widened, and she said in disbelief: "Ancestor, you mean, Xiao Jingting, he's going to be a god."

Bingwu nodded and said, "Yes."

"If he turned his spirits, who else could be his opponent!" "Bing Ning couldn't help it.

"In fact, if Xiao Jingting is a god, it would be a good thing." "Bing Wu's slender fingers lightly clasped the table.

Bing Ning looked at Bing Wu in a puzzling way and said, "Old ancestor, how can I say this!"

"Since the change of heaven and earth, Heavenly Dao began to suppress the spiritualists. Last time I fought against Xiao Jingting, I did not take advantage of it. A large part of the reason was also because Heavenly Dao suppressed me, the more powerful the spiritualist. , The more severely suppressed, if Xiao Jingting was promoted to Huashen, naturally he would not be able to use force at will as he is now." Bing Wu

Bing Ning nodded and said, if he understood: "Well."

"By the way, what happened to the investigation of the Tongtian Tower?" Bingwu asked urgently.

Bing Ning breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The nebula of Nebula Island is said to be able to connect to the fairy realm, but it is only a rumor. This rumor cannot find the source. It seems that it has a long history. The Ling Pagoda has only been opened once every 100 years, and it has been opened recently. , Only a few decades later,

Will open. "

"It's okay, I have to wait for decades." Bing Wu's eyes brightened.

Once the cultivator enters the Huashen, he will think about the ascension. Bingwu and several Huashen cultivators have searched the passages to the fairy world from all parts of Lingzhou. Unfortunately, most of the passages have been damaged, not blocked. It is cut off. The Tongtian Tower overseas is now the most likely place to have access to the fairyland.


Xiao Jingting stood on the bow of the ship and looked at Yin Chongyang and asked, "Have there not been the whereabouts of the old guy who got the fairy pill?"

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