Chapter 329

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Xueyue and Ziyu sat in the restaurant relatively. After working in Xinyue Mountain Villa for a while, Xiao Jingting found an opportunity to restore their freedom.

After Xiao Jingting's identity was revealed, the two left Crescent Village.

"A lot of people are looking for Xiao Jingting!" Xueyue said with his chin.

Ziyu nodded, "I found this guy, this should be with Long Jingtian."

"If I guessed right, Long Jingtian and Xiao Xiaojin should be a pair, slander his son-in-law, and Xiao Jingting didn't know what to think." Xueyue shook his head, full of helplessness.

"It may be to clear the opponent to his son." Ziyu said.

Xueyue pouted, saying, "There is a great demand for the Dragon Clan. Xiao Xiaojin doesn't know if he can carry it. Xiao Jingting really wants to help his son, so he should let his son practice well." There are a lot of situations in which the Dragon Clan is overdone and has killed its target!

Ziyu rubbed his nose and said: "The Zhang family seems to have sent someone to find the dragon again."

Xueyue shook her head and said, "The Zhang family is really boring! Even if Long Jingtian stands in front of the Zhang family, the Zhang family may not recognize it. What if someone is found? Long Jingtian is already a fairy emperor, the Zhang family. People are not opponents at all."

Ziyu looked at Xueyue and smiled and said, "Always look for it. After eating such a big loss, what are you going to do!"

Xueyue nodded and said, "It's the same thing." "Even if it's for face, you have to do it."


Xiao Xiaojin looked at Xiao Jingting, who was nearing the end of his promotion, and looked at Long Jingtian with some pride: "My father is less than five hundred years old, and he is a fairy emperor, isn't it great!"

The dragon flicked its tail and said: "What is so great, your dad has that thing! If I had such an artifact, I broke into the nests of the dragon and phoenix as early as 500 years old. , Ransack those old monsters." Long Jingtian seemed to think of something, with a look of longing, and a chuckle in his mouth.

Xiao Xiaojin: "..."

After Xiao Jingting survived the thunderstorm, Xu Muan took a piece of clothing for Xiaojingting. After the thunderstorm, Xiaojingting's clothes became worn out, but his body became more crystal-like.

Xiao Jingting looked at Long Jingtian and asked, "Look where we are going next!"

Long Jingtian said without thinking: "Liu Huo Shao Xing Zhe."

"Why?" Xiao Jingting asked.

Long Jingtian looked at Xiao Jingting and smiled proudly, saying: "Because my ability is very strong, very very strong, much stronger than you."

Xiao Jingting suspiciously said: "A lot stronger than me."

"Yes, Xiao Jin said, my bed time is much better than yours." Long Jingtian said seriously.

Xiao Jingting instantly covered the black line and looked towards Xiao Xiaojin.

Xiao Xiaojin raised his forehead with a headache, and he had no conscience. He really didn't say that! There is nothing so good about physical strength, Long Jingtian this scum.

"Does this have anything to do with going to the Huoshihu belt?" Xiao Jingting asked in a shadowy way.

Long Jingtian smiled and said, "The gravity of the Liuhuoshixing Belt is much larger than the ordinary place, which is very suitable for refining. There are many natural refining pools in that place."

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