Chapter 298

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Xiao Jingting took the jade card and went to the destination. On the way, Xiao Jingting met many practitioners.

The territory where Xiao Jingting is located is the territory of the Tianji rabbit family. The sign of Ziyu, the fairy king, is quite easy to use. With the jade card given by Ziyu, Xiao Jingting belongs to the group of Ziyu.

The gluttonous demon beast suddenly emerged. Just in the palace of Ziyu, the gluttonous fire spirit did not dare to show his head. This would break away from the two rabbits, and the gluttonous fire spirit shouted at once.

"Look at you! It's a mess! The two rabbits said they were going to kill you to make fertilizer. You didn't even dare to squeak. You are also an ancestor-level character! If you let the people in the lower realm know that you are so mixed up now Oops, I must be very disappointed with you

Rabbit, when I meet one, I eat one, and when I meet a nest, I eat one. "

Xiao Jingting said with a black face, "Don't think about it, you weren't scared to squeak."

The gluttonous demon beast said with dissatisfaction: "Who is scared, I am taking care of you, I am afraid that I will speak out and scare you incoherently."

"Thank you so much!" Xiao Jingting took out a piece of Ling Xi Pei, shook his head helplessly.

Before coming to Immortal Realm, afraid of being scattered with Xu Muan, Xiao Jingting specifically asked Xu Lingfeng to make two pieces of Ling Xi Pei. If Xu Mu An was nearby, Xiao Jing Ting could feel it. Unfortunately, Ling Xi Pei did not react.

"Mu An, it should have been sent to other places." Xiao Jingting sighed.

The gluttonous fire spirit said indifferently: "Don't worry about him, or worry about yourself, if you do it, people will be better than you."

Xiao Jingting: "..."

Immortal world is not without cultivators below the imaginary celestial beings. There are also cultivators of foundation, Jindan and Yuanying, and there are many.

After Xiao Jingting arrived at the medicine garden, he found that there were many Jindan and Yuanying cultivators in the Lingyao Garden. The Yuanying cultivators who stood high in Lingzhou could only honestly farm here.

"Are you a newcomer master?" A Yuan Yingxiu came out and asked carefully.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said, "Yes."

Yuan Yingxiu said with some delight: "Great, you are finally here, Master."

Xiao Jingting followed the little steward of Yuan Yuan's childhood and wandered around.

Tianyue Mountain Villa covers an extremely large area, and each small manor can be compared with the territory of Qingyun Xianmen.

It is said that Tianyue Mountain Villa is only one of the eight mountain villas owned by Ziyu. Ziyu was born in the noble family of Tianji Rabbit. The family power is very large.

The main crop planted in Tianyue Mountain Villa is radish, which is divided into white jade radish, sapphire radish and purple jade radish. The three kinds of radish are actually one type. Sapphire radish and purple jade radish are all varieties of white jade radish produced by chance.

Purple jade radish has many wonderful uses, and its value is far more than sapphire radish and white jade radish.

Every ten years, the manor will hand over 100 purple jade radishes, 10,000 green jade radishes, and one million white jade radishes.

If the number of purple jade radishes is large, the other two types of radishes can be paid less. However, if the number of purple jade radishes is not enough, the number of green jade radishes and white jade radishes will be subject to punishment.

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