Chapter 273

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Xiao Jingting and Xu Muan appeared at the location of the teleportation array. At that time, when Xiao Jingting came out of Nebula Island, they destroyed the teleportation array. Later, the people of Tenjinzong tried to repair the teleportation array. Has been a stalk from it.

Later, when the people of Tenjin Sect saw that the repair of the teleportation array had been unsuccessful, they put it on hold. Although the repair task was put on hold, however, the location of the teleportation array, Tenjin Sect still left a few disciples to stay behind.

"Elder Xiao." As soon as Xiao Jingting appeared, several disciples of the **** of heaven, panicking one by one, seemed to see the end of the world.

Xiao Jingting quickly took action and restrained several cultivators left behind by Tianzhuang Shenzong, and several of the disciples who were restrained were even more terrified.

Xu Muan followed Xiaojing Ting, studying the formation, "Can it be fixed?"

"Yes, but it will take a while."

At that time, I was afraid that the monks on the Nebula Island would not come lightly, and the damage to the teleportation array was a little serious. Fortunately, he printed the structure map of the teleportation array in advance. Now, just repair the teleportation array according to the picture.

A few disciples left behind by the gods, watching Xiao Jingting just repair the teleportation array, did not mean to kill, and suddenly felt relieved.

Xiao Jingting repaired the teleportation array and left the teleportation array.

Soon after Xiao Jingting left, the prohibitions on several disciples of Tian Shenzong disappeared, and several practitioners hurriedly passed the news that Xiao Jingting left Yunzhou back to Tian Shenzong.

An elementary infant cultivator of Tenjin Sect heard the news, hurried over, tried to start the teleportation array, but found that the teleportation array was no longer good.

Xiao Jingting's family entered the country quickly, and it has always been a matter of great surprise for the major sects. Xiao Jingting left again and went overseas, causing many monks to speculate that there are treasures overseas. It is precisely because of the treasure that Xiao Jingting's family entered the country. So quickly.

The ice palace, the news that Bing Wuxin arrived at Xiao Jingting left, was very angry, accused Xiao Jingting of treacherous, every time he broke into trouble, he went overseas to hide.

At that time, the Xiao Jingting family had been hiding overseas for many years. This time, Xiao Jingting did not know how long to stay overseas. When Xiao Jingting left, he also destroyed the teleportation team there. She could not help it out.


Qingyun Xianmen.

"Brother Xiao, he... actually ran to that side again. It seems that Bingcheng was killed by Brother Xiao, and this can't be wrong. Brother Xiao should have taken refuge." Dongcheng Yangzhuo said.

"Elder Xiao should not only want to avoid the Ice Palace, but also want to go abroad to seek opportunities. Everyone said that Elder Xiao can be promoted so quickly and has an inseparable relationship with the opportunities obtained overseas." Lin Xue'e is somewhat envious Road.

Dongcheng raised his finger lightly on the table. Today is different. Even though Xiao Jingting offended the Ice Palace, there is more place to hide. Xiao Jingting chose to send the other side of the array. It can't be wrong.

"Xin said that someone saw Xiao Xiaodong's gang and they besieged a monster from the late Yuan Ying at sea." Dongcheng Yangdao said.

When Xiao Xiaodong and others shot, some cultivators burned the images of the battle, and Xiao Xiaodong and others showed their magical powers, and killed the monsters in the late Yuan Ying in a few clicks.

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