Chapter 236

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Qingyun Immortal Gate.

Dongcheng raised his face with a black face and said with a headache: "I didn't expect that Brother Xiao would actually **** food from the tiger's mouth and grabbed Tianleimu from Master Tiandeng and Lord Emei."

At the beginning, Dongcheng Yang didn't know what the inside story of Xiao Jingting's mission was. When he heard the names of Xiao Jingting's two mission partners, Dongcheng Yang was surprised. He didn't understand an ordinary mission.

Later, Dongcheng Yang knew, and as a result, things were out of control. Dongcheng Yang originally thought that there were two monks, and Xiao Jingting was a foil. Unexpectedly, Xiao Jingting actually robbed Tian Leimu from a late Yuan Ying monk .

The Holy Heaven Gate will start to the Cangwu Sect because of Tian Leimu! What did Xiao Jingting want to do when he brought back such hot stuff?

Dongcheng Yang was anxious to die, but he dared not say anything to Xiao Jingting.

Dongcheng sighed and said: Xiao Jingting took things back, hiding from the figure all day long, it is difficult for him to deal with the messengers of the Great Buddha Temple and the Snow Mountain School.

The Great Buddha Temple is the sect of Buddhism, and the Taoists of the Xueshan School are also very powerful. The Qingyun Immortal Gate is much worse than the two schools. Dongcheng Yang was tortured during this time.

"Sect Master, there are rumors out there. Some people say that Tian Leimu took away Tianshengmen, others said that Tian Leimu evenly divided Dafo Temple and Xueshan faction, and others said that Tian Leimu let Elder Xiao is in the bag, and I don't know which one is true." Lin Xue'e frowned, worryingly.

Dongcheng Yang blacked his face and sent Xiao Jingting to the task. In fact, Dongcheng Yang was somewhat selfish. The influence of the Xiao family was growing. Dongcheng Yang felt a serious threat. It is always dangerous to go to the task. If Xiao Jingting came out Unexpectedly, the Qingyun Immortal Gate is his only one.

Dongcheng Yang is also very contradictory. Sometimes, he hopes that Qingyun Xianmen will become stronger and stronger with the help of Xiao Jingting. Sometimes, he hopes that Xiao Jingting will die outside.

"Elder Xiao is too much. At this time, no one is hiding." Lin Xue'e said sullenly.

Hearing Lin Xue'e's words, Dong Chengyang's heart was blocked a little bit more. Xiao Jingting released a wind saying that he needs to be recuperated after being seriously injured. Dong Chengyang is of course embarrassed and wants a wounded patient to show his head.

"There are rumors outside that Elder Xiao killed a cultivator in the middle of Yuan Ying." Lin Xue'e said.

How did Lin Xue'e think about the authenticity of this matter, Xiao Jingting was just a newly born Yuan baby! How can there be the ability to kill Yuanying mid-term, if the sect master meets Yuanying mid-cultivator, I'm just afraid that he can save his life.

"Sister Xiao has a good chance, and he is different from others." Dong Chengyang didn't believe this news at first, but after several confirmations, he finally believed it.

Dongcheng Yang secretly clenched his fists, and the monks worshipped the strong. Now there are countless rumors outside. The voice of Xiao Jingting in the sect is afraid that he will surpass him.


Xu Muan entered Xiao Jingting's jade space. The undead wood grew very fast after regaining its vitality. The lush foliage and undead wood yielded two fruits, one black and one white.

The white fruit can enhance physical fitness and temper the body. As for the black ones, it is suitable for taking ghost cultivation. After death, some people have souls that do not dissipate due to obsession or any reason. They live in another form in the world and continue to practice. , That is ghost repair.

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