Chapter 332

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Xiao Jingting's medicine is of good quality, and its price is slightly cheaper than that of similar medicines. The business is getting better and better, and soon someone who finds trouble comes to the door.

"The shopkeeper, come out."

Several burly cultivators walked into the Dan pharmacy aggressively.

"Is there something?" Long Jingtian asked casually.

A monk came out and slammed a bottle of immortality on the table case. "You sell fake medicines, do you know if you eat dead people?"

Long Jingtian looked at the elixir out of the other party and calmly said: "You made a mistake, this elixir is not from our shop."

"Nonsense, this panacea was bought yesterday in your shop."

Long Jingtian looked at several people and said, "This medicine is wrong, you must have made a mistake."

"Fuck, do you want to pay off?" the man said fiercely.

Long Jingtian shouted in his throat and said, "Ajin, come out! A guest has come to your door."

Xiao Xiaojin Xin came to the scene and walked out of the house. "What happened?"

Long Jingtian pointed at the coming person and said with wide eyes: "These guys told me that we sell fake medicine."

Xiao Xiaojin looked at Long Jingtian's bright eyes and rubbed his temples. Long Jingtian, this guy, was excited again. These guys who were looking for fault really didn't have any eyes.

"There is no fake medicine in our store, did you say it!" Xiao Xiaojin said.

Long Jingtian nodded his head and said seriously, "Say, you said you want to serve people with virtue. I have already told them that Elixir is not in our shop, but they don't believe it."

"Just say that, you seem very excited." Xiao Xiaojin said.

Long Jingtian blinked, disapprovingly saying, "I don't have any! What excitement was found?"

Xiao Xiaojin: "..." It is because there is nothing exciting to be found, so, you are so excited, I feel not right!

The several cultivators who came to find faults looked at Long Jingtian and Xiao Xiaojin's self-considered speech, and did not put them in their eyes at all. The headed cultivators suddenly became angry, "Brothers, smash me."

Long Jingtian looked at Xiao Xiaojin and said, "Serving people with virtue doesn't work, I can do it."

Xiao Xiaojin nodded and said, "Yes."

Long Jingtian's figure flashed, and those who came to find trouble were thrown out one by one.

While Long Jingtian threw people out, he did not forget to **** the space ring of people.

Several cultivators were piled up like dragons and pilgrims.

Long Jingtian clapped his hands and raised his fists, saying, "Serving people with virtue doesn't work, fists are more effective."

Xiao Xiaojin nodded and said, "Yes! Yes! Fortunately, your fist is hard."

Xiao Xiaojin's eyes swept around, and after Long Jingtian threw the people out, the few monks watching around left.

Those cultivators who came to find fault should be used to test the water.


Some lively cultivators around, looking at this scene, had a lot of discussion.

"These people seem to be the members of the Blue Wolf Gang!" The Blue Wolf Gang is a gangster force of Qingfeitian. On weekdays, he does some extortion and blackmailing.

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