Chapter 314

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Xiao Jingting toured around and went back to the other courtyard.

An **** appeared beside Wei Liao.

"Wei Guanshi, this young master, has a great temper."

"Who makes a family a young master, the family owner still has to respect him by three points." Wei Liao said coldly.

"The master of the house respected him a bit, but his wife didn't take him into his eyes." The guard smiled.

Wei Liao narrowed his eyes and said, "The master of the house likes this young master so much, and his wife will always give this young master some face."

Wei Liao looked at Xiao Jingting's back unwillingly. Zhang Tianyi was very talented in alchemy, and the owner wanted to send him to the alchemy master to learn alchemy.

The wife hopes to divide Zhang Tianyi into a manor and pass people far away. The province's Zhang Tianyi is getting smoother and smoother, overshadowing the true master Zhang Tianhao's light.

The wife had dealt with several restless sons before, and the house owner did not have much trouble. However, this young Master of Heaven was indeed very favored. For him, the house owner and his wife had a big fight. In the end, although the house owner gave in, the wife agreed. Will not do redundant things.

This young master, if something really happens, the owner and wife will tear their faces.

Wei Liao's task is to stare at the young master, and after a few decades, the limelight has passed, and if there is a chance to deal with this young master.

"Master, the young man's temper is so big, but he has wronged you." The guard guarded Wei Liao unfairly.

Wei Liao smiled and said, "If we are servants, what is wrong?

Wei Liao was originally the confidant of his wife Wei Fan. In order to monitor Zhang Tianyi, Wei Fan sent Wei Liao out and asked Wei Liao to monitor Zhang Tianyi's every move.

According to his wife's previous temperament, Zhang Tianyi must be killed before giving up.

However, the house owner seemed to be really angry about his wife's repeated actions.

In order to take care of the face of the whole family, his wife explained to Wei Liao, it is best to foster Zhang Tianyi, as long as Zhang Tianyi arrived at the manor, there was no special behavior, and that Zhang family raised him like that, there was nothing.

Zhangjiajia has a great cause and does not care about raising an idler.

Wei Liao frowned, not knowing why, he always felt that this young master was a little strange, and it was not strange where he was. Before that, Wei Liao felt that Xiao Jingting seemed to be more interested in Long Yu and Long Jingtian, so he tried out the export. However, nothing special was found.

Xiao Jingting walked into the practice room. Xu Muan looked at Xiao Jingting and said, "Are you okay."

"It's okay, I think Wei Liao seems a little suspicious." Xiao Jingting said.

Xu Muan clenched his fists and said, "There is no way, even if you look like Zhang Tianyi, after all, you are not alone." Moreover, Zhang He's bastard, there are some things that are obviously hidden and tucked away. "However, as long as this guy is not absolutely sure, he should not talk nonsense."

Xiao Jingting nodded and said, "Also, but we have to be more careful."


Xiao Xiaojin was holding a rabbit and stood in front of a collapsed tower.

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