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Rahi POV:

Finally the wedding day came, I just hope everything will go as per Veer's plan(which he didn't tell me till now).

Mom & Dad came to speak with me, they want to know whether I'm happy about this marriage or not. I can't tell them what's going on when I don't even know. But I'm sure about one thing that I'm not going to marry Mohit at any cost. Today is a very special day for me; It's our Wedding Anniversary and how come Veer hasn't wished me yet :(

When I'm fully ready thanks to Misha & Kriya Bhabhi, my brothers and Rishi came to take me from the venue. Initially, I was hesitant but when Karan bhai gave me an assurance that I feel calm & relaxed, my brothers knew me better but not more than my Veer.

I have decided once all these things will be done I need to tell Veer about something which he has every right to know, which I didn't tell him yet.

I didn't notice when we reached the venue and when my dad gave my hand to the men in front of me. His face was fully covered with a headdress but when he touched me I knew who it was.

Our wedding rituals got started and I saw the smile on each and every face but then Karan bhai came towards me and told me to stop smiling and make a poker face if we want to accomplish this mission, and I think I got the point because I instantly made the poker face before anyone can see me.

First we exchanged the garlands which were made by my favorite flowers. After that the priest told us to sit on our seats and he started the further rituals. We listened to the priest whatever they said and after sometime they told us to stand and take the vows in front of agni dev. After taking the 7 vows he filled the vermilion in my hair partition and he ties the sacred necklace(Mangalustra) in my neck, by this our wedding was complete and as per my bhai instructions till now I'm making the poker face but I'm happy because I know whom I got marry.

When we were taking the blessing from our parents, suddenly we heard some noises and everyone was shocked when he appeared suddenly in front of us.

Veer grandparents were so shocked that they didn't get what happened...

Grandfather: If Mohit is here then whom Rahi got married?

Dad: What's going on here? Whom Rahi got married?

Mohit: I got stuck in the traffic and when I reached the hotel somehow the security guard stopped me. They didn't let me enter the hall, they took me with them. I tried to connect with you Grandpa but they didn't let me do anything, but after sometime they let me go and gave me the reason that they got confused with some other person.

Grandfather: If you are not here then whom did she get married to? Karan, can you explain whom Rahi got married to?

Karan: How should I know that? It's you and Uncle who brought him here. Me & Abhi went to bring Rahi.

Grandfather: Who are you? Are you married to my granddaughter in law just for the money? If yes then I'll ask my son to give you some money, you will sign the divorce paper right now and leave this palce. My granddaughter should marry Mohit.

Karan: Are you sure about Grandfather?

Grandfather: Yes, it's you only Karan who told us that Rahi is ready to get married again.

Karan: It's true that I told everyone that Rahi is ready to be married again, but I think I didn't disclose the name of the person whom she is going to marry again. Did I? If anyone can tell me here that I disclose the name I'll accept any punishment right now. Abhi, Rishi, Uncle, Aunty, anyone.

No, Karan didn't tell the name of the groom, whom Rahi will get married to.

Ma(Veer Mom): Stop all these just tell me whom my daughter married to?

Karan: To the one she loves the most, to that person she can do anything.

Ma & Mom: What do you mean Karan?

Karan: I mean.....

It's me :)

Everyone turned their faces to voice, and they all were shocked!!


Finally Veer is back!!!!

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