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Veer POV:

After spending the whole day, now we are moving back to home. I still don't want to go, but we need to go otherwise our family will do the search operation for us.

Around 5:30 AM we reached back to home, and I knew that this time everyone was sleeping so I quickly parked my car and headed back to our room.

We don't want to sleep, so Rahi prepares my & her bag for the office and in our mini kitchen she prepares the coffee for us. Yes, we have a mini kitchen, walking wardrobe, my office in our room.

I don't know why but she is looking tired. I told her to take some rest but she is not ready to take rest so I pick her up and put on the bed and wrap my arms around her so that she can take some rest.

Rahi: Veer?

Veer: Hmmm

Rahi: why you always pick me, I can walk.

Veer: Because I love to do that. Now sleep after sometime we need to get ready for answers and also need to go to the office.

Rahi: Okay, I love you!!!

Veer Love you to sweetheart!!!

Around 8:30 we both wake up after getting freshening up we come towards the drawing room but when we are reaching there we heard some different voices as well, and an instant Rahi hold my hand it's not like that I don't like it in fact I love it but she was shivering and that I don't like it. I know whenever she heard some new voices in our house she behaved like this only so gathered her and gave her a satisfying look that everything is okay!!!

When we finally reached the drawing room, I was hell shocked to see those faces which I never expected to be here in my home. My Grandparents and My Uncles, Aunts and their sons I know everyone but there is someone whom I don't know.

Everyone turns around us, and they are shocked to see us. Before I barged at them Rahi held my hand tightly, it looks like she was saying hold down please.

Mom: When did you come back? And from the Airport where you went? Do you have any idea how much we were worried?

Rahi: Mom, we are sorry!!! That we didn't inform you, but....

Veer: Mom, what they are doing here?

Mom: They were living with us from last week, last week only they came here and said sorry to your dad & me. Also, they want to meet you both as well.

Veer: who's that guy?

Mom: That your cousin friend, he & his wife is also staying here with us. Come meet them, they are all waiting for you both.

Veer: Rahi lets go. I'll drop you to the office.

Rahi: But Veer.

Veer: Come, I don't want to meet anyone. Whom I want to meet they already saw us and they are happy for us, now we are getting late.

Mom: Veer, what are you talking about? Come meet them and have your breakfast as well.

Veer: It's okay Mom; you can serve them we are okay!!! Abhi, are you also coming to have a meeting in an hour?

Abhi: Yes, we both are coming!!! Come Misha. Bye Mom, Bye Dad!!!

How are you Princesses?

Rahi: I'm good bhai.. How are you both?

Misha: We are also good, but we missed you so much.

Rahi: where is Rishi?

Abhi: .........

Veer: What?

Abhi: he left the home 3 days back because he didn't want to live with them. I tried to talk to him, but he said when you both would be back he talks with you.

That's why I called you... but before you listen to me you disconnect the call.

Veer: I'll speak with him. Come Rahi I'll drop you after having breakfast.

Rahi: Okay, are you fine?

Veer: Yes...

I know she knows that I'm not okay, because of them I would be almost dead if mom & dad didn't come on time. Also, they are not ready to accept Rishi so finally dad moved out from that house and came here to London after speaking with Raj Uncle where I met with my life, my love Rahi!!!

Rahi: what are you thinking?

Veer: Nothing.

Rahi: Okay!!! I'll speak with Rishi. You don't worry.

Veer: I know, he will listen to you.

Rahi: After breakfast drop me at Rishi Studio.

Veer: Okay Love!!!

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