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Abhi POV:


How can I break this news to everyone? When I just told his name, their faces were dull and it looked like the blood stopped running in their body.

Rahi: Bhai, what happened to Veer? Please tell me?

Abhi: Veer was.......

I'm trying to stop my tears, but I guess they betray me and fall from my eyes; and guess what my little sister saw this.

Rahi: Bhai, why are you crying? What's wrong? Is he alright? Please tell me I beg of you.

Rishi: What happened to Bhai? Abhi Bhai please tell us? You already saw how Bhabhi was crying please tell us... I beg of you please!!

Abhi: Veer was coming back today; he wants to surprise all of you. But.......

Rahi: But what bhai?

Abhi: when he was reaching the airport, his car exploded and he was dead....

After hearing this, everyone was crying but Rahi was standing like the statue. She didn't gasp after hearing this news. But she asked....

Rahi: How's that possible when he already told me that he would be coming with me. Are you both trying to prank with us? If it is then please stop right now because I don't like it.

By saying this, she just gathered herself and moved towards her room.

Siya Aunty: Abhi, whatever you said is it true or it's another prank of both you?

Abhi: It's true aunty. He was coming back; he completed his work and wants to be with you all. He was planning to give surprise but I didn't know that he will give this type of surprise to all of us.

And hear this everyone was crying again and Me, &, Rishi we both are trying to console everyone but I was afraid of Rahi's reaction because she is not accepting that Veer is no more.

She didn't shed any tears nor spoke to anyone after hearing the news.

And it is said that news spread like fire, and the same thing happened with us Veer death news spread like fire everyone was coming to give condolence but Rahi didn't come from her room.

Somehow I broke this news to Chachu & Karan, and after hearing them come fast.

Chachu & Karan also try to speak with her but they also get the same reaction like everyone in the family.

His Grandparents and their family also come to give their condolences, I try to stop them but Mom told me to not stop them this time.

Few Weeks Later:

When I'm in the office, I got a call from Rishi & Ava that I needed to come to the hospital asap because Rahi was there.

After reaching the hospital Ava told me that Rahi fainted and she brought her here and the doctor took her in the OT room.

We waited for several hours, later the doctor came and told us the most shocking news and when I asked that she knew the doctor told us Yes they just informed her as well.

He told us that she needs complete bed rest and good care.

I think I understand his point because till now she didn't cry on Veer news and now this news still she didn't cry. I don't know I will handle everything.

Somehow we have taken her back to home, but she didn't talk with anyone, she just left to her room. When everyone asked me what happened to her I couldn't tell them anything because his devil family was also sitting there. And if I said anything then again, they will blame my sister for this, which they are doing after hearing his death news and let me tell you I'm very mad at these people but I'm just zipping my mouth because of my family.

After dropping her home, I left for the office, when I reached Will there informed me how Veer cousins became the boss, I just told him to circulate Veer old messages but now on my name and if anyone tries to disrespect them then they can leave the office immediately.

Somehow somewhere I can fulfill his wish. I really miss You Buddy!!!

I don't know how to handle everything, how can I handle your Rahi!!!

I didn't lose you but with you I lost my sister as well.

Please come back if possible, I can't handle everything without you!!!

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