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Veer POV:

Finally we are back to London after 2 long years.... I can see the happiness in Rahi's eyes. She was extremely happy by coming back to her homeland. And here comes our car... but instead of driving Rishi came to pick up.

I try to scold him but he just passes me and goes and hugs Rahi... like seriously!!!! His big brother is standing in front of him and he just ignores him and gives me a smirk... really Rishi.

They both are talking and they totally forgot that I'm also standing there but no they just ignore me completely. I sat on the driver seat and started the car and they both just sat in the back seat and continued talking and it just pissed me a lot. But I don't know why I'm feeling Rishi is trying to say something but didn't get any chance.

After reaching home my little brother gave me a bone crushing hug and told me that he wants to talk about something important but not in front of Rahi or anyone. I just nod to him. I know him very well when something is upsetting him. He just uses this trick and why he just told not in front of Rahi, when I know Rahi always there from him.

As we were moving inside I looked at the house and I can tell that it was decorated beautifully and when Rahi complimented this Rishi is trying to say something but Mom, Siya Aunty and Abhi came and it stopped Rishi again from what he was trying to say.

After sometime our Dad came back god knows from where.... Uncle Raj hugs Rahi and I saw his eyes were moist...he really loves her a lot. And after that I hugged my Dad. They both got emotional when they saw Rahi. I don't understand what's going on here.

Aside, Abhi is also daydreaming!! I really need to find out what's going on here.

After some chattering we both went towards our room and our mom told us to get freshen up and come back for dinner. And Siya aunty took Rishi with him. I just try to ask him what's bothering him. But at the correct time and place.

But I know there is something fishy!!

After freshening up I reached the dining hall and saw everyone except Rahi, I was just going towards her room but Abhi just exited from her room and told me that she was very tired and didn't want to eat. She just wants to sleep. I said okay, and we came back to the dining hall and everyone looked happy, but there was something off... And I can see their faces.

I just hope it didn't affect anyone because if it affects my family then I don't know what I'll do.

After some time we all retrieve from our room. But I stop in front of the study when I heard Rahi's name but the voices are not clear. I didn't get it what dad and uncle are talking about Rahi. But now I know it's something related to Rahi but what?? I want to know.. So I know who will give me the answer of my questions. I just knock his room, and he opens his room door and I just entered.

Next Morning:

Everyone was gathered in the dining hall and from uncle, dad, mom, and aunty face I can tell that they are waiting for Rahi. Even Abhi and Rishi they both have the same expression as everyone else.

Finally, Rahi came and took his seat next to mine. From our childhood days we both sat next to each other. Everyone starts to eat their breakfast and Rahi just apologizes for not making it at yesterday dinner and everyone said it's fine they understand that she was tired.

After breakfast she just told uncle Raj that she wants to join back her own company ohhh yaaa I didn't told you na that by profession Rahi is the interior designer and after completing his college she just started his own business and his company name is" R" and in here London it's a huge brand she almost done the interior for every big personalities here. And she sometimes does the interior designing for orphanages as well and it's free of cost.

But when she wanted to go to New York for the whole 2 years she gave the authority of her company to Abhi and he took very good care of his business. But when she told me that she wants to rejoin her company dad and uncle just said ok. After that they informed us that there is a party for our coming back. So we need to get ready for the party.

Before starting the party Rahi informed everyone that she is going to R and will be back before the party.

Siya aunty tried to stop her but mom just told her to let her go. But I know there is something else.

Party Time:

In the evening, the party will start in some time and till now Rahi is not shown and everyone gets tense for Rahi. Everyone tried her number but it was switched off... I just grab my car keys and before I walk out towards my car, Rahi came up and said sorry to everyone and said that time just passed and she totally forgot time and when she leaves from office she forgot to charge her mobile and after that her car tire busted out so she took the cab and that's why she just reached home. I just gave her a hug. I don't know what happened to me, but at that time I seriously needed to hug her.

After sometime, we broke the hug and she just went to her room for freshening up and got changed for the party. We all reached the party and I saw some familiar & unfamiliar faces and I asked them about Abhi and he told me that they are Dad and Raj uncle, old friend and his family. But when I saw the guy who was about our age standing with them I don't know but I'm getting the negative feeling and at the same time why I'm getting this feeling that I saw him somewhere but where I don't remember.

Finally Rahi came to the party and just greeted everyone in the party. She looks beautiful as always.

Party was in full swing, but I'm not able to locate Rishi in this whole party. I don't know where he is gone. When I tried to go out uncle raj spoke in front of everyone and he motioned Rahi to come and stand with him and when I looked at the stage that family and that guy was also there. And the next announcement broke Rahi. I saw her face. She was trying to stop from crying and just smiling there. For her loved ones. But she was totally broken and by seeing her like that I got angry. She is my best friend for god sake. I don't know what she will do. After knowing that everyone hid this from her. Even me as well.

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