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Veer POV:

When I saw Rahi in the conference room, I was totally shocked but she told me she came for the meeting, she hardly came for any meeting but I'm happy she came today because I missed her a lot.

Before the clients could come, my cousins and his friend came and sat on the vacant chairs. I was totally mad about this and soon my client came and Abhi told me not to create the scene in front of them so I just told them indirectly that those who are not related to this project can leave the conference. But they had guts, especially Jatin. He told me that Rahi should also leave because she doesn't know anything about this project.

But to their disappointment she already knows about this project because she is one who suggested this project and she knows Adrain very well, his wife and Rahi's are friends and she already did the interior for his office & house. So they leave before having any argument but when they are leaving I see Mohit, my cousin's friend. He was just staring at Rahi. I noticed this in the morning as well and she is not feeling comfortable towards his gaze.

After 2 hours the meeting got over and we signed the contract. When I reached my cabin, I just bombarded Abhi with my question and when he narrates to me all the things I'm very much angrier now. How dare they speak with my Mom & Aunty like that and that girl she wants my room; she can have but in her dreams only{Note the sarcasm}. But when I came to know that she is staying in Rahi's room now I don't know how they will tackle me when I reach home. They can't stay in that room because it's My Rahi's and I don't like it if anyone enters that room.

We had multiple guest rooms or guest houses in our home, but she can't stay in that room. I came back from my thinking mode when I heard the little sobs and I know who is crying like this. It's my sweet wife and the reason I know very well she decorated that room as per her liking and before our marriage I told her renovate our room as well as per liking but she didn't make many changes because she knows how I like my room and I'm grateful for that, but now they have to pay for this.

I remove her tears and tell her to stop crying as I can't see her like this and I told her I LOVE YOU!!! And after that she stops crying and just hugs me later on we head towards our lunch but before that I told Will what to do with my cousins and his friends and they also have to report me or Abhi about their work, and I know it crushes their so-called ego.

Once we did with our lunch, she told me to drop by her office as she needs to finish her work as well and I dropped her.

In the evening when I reached her office to pick her up I came to know from Ava that her mood is not so good today. I told her I can handle it and she wished me all the best.

When I reached her cabin, I saw the door was open and all the papers were scattered on the floor and in the middle of that my love was seated and she was thinking very deeply that she didn't notice me at all. So I just kissed her and when she came back from her dream land, she told me she was thinking about the design for some of her clients so I just nodded back.

After gathering and organize all the papers we moved towards my car but I stop in tracks when I saw the bandage on her wrist which I didn't notice earlier but when I asked her about this she said it was an accident but from her looks I can say that she was lying, I know only one person can tell me about this so I make a note to call her after reached at Rishi place or should I say she was already there because I know those love birds can't stay away from each other.

Guess I was right when we reached there Ava was already there and preparing dinner for us, also Rishi was looking mad but when he saw me he changed his expression quickly, but my little brother forgot that I'm his big brother and he can't hide his expression from me much.

We all ate our dinner, after dinner I told him to come with us but before he could argue with me I just said it's final and now when we are back they all have to face me before touching my family again so he just nodded.

He went into his room to take his stuff and that time I asked Ava what happened to Rahi earlier. She was hesitating to tell me anything but after some time she told me everything that happened to her and how her wrist cut. After hearing all this, I'm very mad and now they have to face the consequences of this, because no one can hurt MY WIFE!!!

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