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Abhi POV:

We need to try to find out everything that happens to her.

Abhi: Rishi, try to ask Ava. She is your girlfriend, at least ask her.

Rishi: How do you know about me & Ava?

Veer: what do you think little brother, it's Rahi who told us before going to New York and she also conveniently told Mom & Dad for your relationship. But right now ask her everything.

Abhi: Meanwhile, I try to connect chachu.

I know little sister you are hiding something from me. But I promise whatever it is I'll find out and if anyone hurts you then they had to deal with me.

Thanks Misha, for your help. I just need to ask one more favor from you, can please ask her.

Misha: Okay I'll try.

Veer: Abhi, your phone has been ringing since long why don't you silent this if you don't want to pick up.

Abhi: Hello, yes speaking... what? Which hospital?? Ya I'm coming tell the doctors to start the operation. If anything happens to her then I'll destroy your hospital.

Veer: I never saw him like that, he never barks like this... Abhi what's wrong? Where are you running?? Whose call? Who is in the hospital?

The next word from his mouth and it crashes my whole world.


Veer POV:

In the next 15, we all are in the hospital.

Nurse told us that her condition is very critical.

After 30 minutes our whole family was there. Siya aunty was crying badly, Raj uncle was devastated by hearing her accident news. Mom & dad trying to console uncle and aunty but from there looks I can tell they are also shattered after all they all love her.

Don't know from where but I saw him after 4 years and when he came face to face with raj uncle he was just roaring like a mad tiger. Her chachu, Vardhan uncle, raj uncle's younger brother.

He adores Rahi & Me a lot.

What he told it brokes Me, Abhi, & Rishi.

Vardhan: How can you do this to her? See now what happened to her, you decide her marriage with that guy who hurt my doll badly... Do you have any idea how much time it takes for me to console and bring her back on that depression phase...

Actually, No you don't know because you were not there for her when she needed her dad, you were busy in your business. But let me tell you I never allowed you to marry her to that bastard who tries to Rape my doll.


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