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Wedding Day-2:

Veer POV:

Today finally we are getting married to each other. After Abhi & Karan's wedding, the last 2 days went smoothly.

Yesterday I heard a Dad & Mom conversation, still my grandparents are not ready to come to my wedding and I hardly give a damn about this whatever they did with me and my parents. I never forgot that.

Rishi, &, Abhi was teasing me from the last 2 days and as for Karan he is busy with all the preparations because he told everyone that he wants the best for her sister's wedding. I know how much Karan loves Rahi. It's shown in his eyes. I wish we could tell her the truth but it's Chachu and everyone decides to not disclose anything to her. But I don't know why I'm getting a very weird feeling. I discussed this with Karan as well, and he told me not to take tension and he will not let anything happen.

Finally, I'm moving towards the stage. Rahi will come shortly. I don't know how she is looking. I didn't see her after the Abhi & Karan wedding. As per our elders it is not good to look at your bride before marriage. But how it's possible when we both live in the same house, but Mom & Aunty took all the necessary measures to stop me from seeing her. Seriously, how could they do that with me?

After 5minutes I saw Rahi who was looking stunning in her wedding outfit. She is wearing Pink pearl color lehenga with heavy jewelry and minimal makeup. I was stuck to see her beauty. She was coming towards me by accompanying her brothers & sister in laws. I saw Uncle & Aunty on the other side of her.

When she came near to the stage, I gave my hand to her and she took my hand and came to the stage. After some time sitting there we exchanged garlands, I saw her and she was blushing and it's enhancing her beauty. Later on we move towards the pavilion to take our vows.

1. PRAYER FOR FOOD AND NOURISHMENTS: With God as our guide, let us take the first step to live with honor and respect. Let us walk together so we get food.

2. STRENGTH: Let us be happy and enjoy life. Let us walk together, so we grow together in strength.

3. PROSPERITY: Let us share joys and pains together. Let us walk together so we get wealth.

4. FAMILY: Let us not forget parents and elders. Let us walk together, so we get happiness by sharing our joys and sorrows.

5. PROGENY: Let us observe all acts of charity. Let us walk together so we have family.

6. HEALTH: Let us live a long and peaceful life. Let us walk together so we have joy.

7. LOVE & FRIENDSHIP: Let us be friends with love and sacrifice. Let us walk together so we have friendship.

After exchanging every vow Veer put vermilion & ties the black beads necklace in her neck. Later on they took the blessings from the elder's one.

When all the rituals and functions were done Misha & Kriya took Rahi with her in my room. I enter the room and it looks beautiful. But I'm in the dilemma about how we can consume this wedding. I know that Rahi loves me, but I don't know about my feelings.

I cleared my throat and she looked at me. I told her that I'll sleep on the couch and she can sleep on the bed. But what she told me is to remove my dilemma, she said that no need to sleep on the couch you can sleep on bed because I know you won't do anything with me.

Next day Rahi woke me up and after getting freshening up we headed towards the dining room. After taking blessings from everyone we pack our bags because Karan & Kriya are going back to Paris, Abhi & Misha are going for their honeymoon in the USA. And we are going to Austria. Because I know Rahi always wants to go there but no one allows her.

After spending 14 hours in our jet, we reached Vienna. We took the nap and plan to visit this city tomorrow. Rahi was very excited because she finally reached Austria.

I will take the honeymoon holiday for 2 weeks because I want Rahi to explore the whole Austria. After spending 2 days in Vienna, we move towards our other destination Salzburg, Innsbruck, Salzkammergut, Bregenz and lastly Hoher Dachstein. Before leaving Austria I told rahi that we are going to Paris, because I know she is missing Karan. So I plan to take her to Paris where she can hang out with Kriya & Karan.

When we reached Paris, Karan was already waiting for us. He looked so happy when he saw us.

Rahi wants to stay for a week with Chachu, Karan & Kriya so I said okay to her. Because I know she will miss them once we reach back to London.

I told her when we are already in Paris then can I visit my office? She said okay, but she also wants to come with me because after the office I was planning to take her to the Eiffel Tower and will eat our dinner there only.

We didn't release when one whole week was over and now we need to go back to London. She was crying very badly, but Chachu comforted her and told her that they will come soon to meet her. And Karan promised me that I always take care of her sister.

After saying our goodbye to everyone we sit on our jet and head back to London. But something waits for us in London.

And I also decide to let her know about my feelings for her.

Yes, I'm going to confess to her that I'm in love with her. I'm in love with my best friend. I was planning to tell her in the same place where I told her about my past, from there only I want to start my new life with her. I LOVE YOU RAHI!!!!

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