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Karan POV:

It's been a year when everything drastically changed, and since that day till now she never spoke with us. Might-be things will be different if he will be with us, but no he is not here with us.

Sometimes when we look back, I wish it would never have happened if we were more careful but we are not. Everyone was broken, but most importantly she was broken but she never showed to anyone how much his absence affected her.

She indulges herself in the business and now her life only revolves around the business world only, she wants to complete all her dreams.

We tried several times to speak with her, but she is not ready to listen to anything. When she was in the board meeting she was not ready to listen to anything and Abhi had to follow her orders.

In this last one year she forgot who she is, she's now heartless, and she doesn't care about anyone's feelings. Sometimes I can't figure out how much she changed, but Kriya told me one thing if anything happens to me then might be she also behaves like this because she loves me and Rahi loves Veer a lot. I saw their love, since her childhood days she loves him and now when he is not with her she is lost, she didn't know the purpose of her life.

I tried to bring her back to Paris, but she just gave me the cold shoulder but when Dad told her to visit Paris once she agreed, when she was here I still remember I was totally freaked out because of her. I'm not able to track her; I sent my most trusted men to guard her but don't know where she is.

When Dad came to know that she was missing for the whole day and no one knows where she is. Everyone knows that she belongs to our family so no one tries to mess with us but I can't sit back here and wait for her return. So I gathered my trusted men and we started the search operation for her.

I still remember that day when Veer told her about his trip to New York and she was very mad at him.


Veer: Rahi, listen to me I need to tell you something.

Rahi: Veer, I'm listening.

Veer: Hmmmm, I need to go to New York for business purposes, but I'll be back soon.

Rahi: Ok!!!

Veer: Ok!! So you are not mad?

Rahi: why should I? When I know you love your business more than me, so how can I be mad at you.

Veer: It's nothing like that; and you know very well how much I love you!!! Right.

Rahi: wrong!!! If you love me then 2 days before you won't tell me that you are leaving for New York.

Veer: who told you that I'm leaving after 2 days?

Rahi: So it's true, when you already knew about this for a month back and you didn't bother to tell me.

Veer: Jaan, listen I'm sorry, when I came to know that I need to visit New York, I want to tell you on the same day itself but when I reached home and heard your laugh I totally forgot. And after that I didn't get the courage to break this news to you.

Rahi: I need some time.

Veer: Rahi, listen to me please!!!

Karan/Abhi: What happened?

Veer: she is angry with me.

Karan: Why?

Veer: because I didn't tell her about my visit to New York, just now I told her.

Abhi: Then she is right if she is angry with you, because on her special day you will not be here with her.

Veer: What do you mean?

Karan: I guess you are forgetting something. Think carefully.

Veer: Oh shit!!!!

Karan: I guess now you remember.

Veer: How can I forget her Birthday!!! Guys you have to help me.

Karan/Abhi: Ok!!! Go head....

Veer: Can you send her to New York!!!! Please....

Abhi: will try!!!

Veer: I know you can do it. Thanks in advance!!!

Now, let me cool her down.

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