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Rahi POV:

After our wedding we went for our honeymoon to Austria, I love that place but no one allows me to go there. But finally Veer took me for our honeymoon.

We both enjoyed a lot, and he fulfills all my wishes but still my one wish is still incomplete and I don't know when it will be done.

We went to St. Stephen's Cathedral Church; I heard that whatever you wish it comes true and I want only one thing and that is his love for me.

After spending the whole two weeks in Austria, I told Veer that I want to go to Paris, because I'm missing Karan bhai, Chachu & Kriya Bhabhi. So he took me to Paris as well because as per him my wishes need to be fulfilled. After spending the whole week in Paris now we are returning to home.

But I don't know if I had some anxiety feelings, it was like something was going to be happening.

Finally, we landed in London. Veer put our luggage in the car trunk and told the driver to take it home and ask for the keys for his car, I asked him if we are not going home and he told me that he wants to talk to me alone. So I guess now we are going back to the hilltop of our destination.

Veer: Rahi, I want to tell you something.

Rahi: I'm listening.

Veer: You know when we were shopping at Innsbruck and suddenly you disappeared, I thought I lost you again.

Rahi: But you know I'm just kidding with you and after sometime I just appear in front of you.

Veer: Yup, but in that just 10 minutes disappearance of yours I understand one thing very clearly, and that is I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU FOR A SECOND, FOR A MINUTE, FOR A HOUR, FOR A DAY, FOR A MONTHS, FOR A YEAR.

Rahi: what are you trying to say please be clear?

Veer: Rahi, I know your feelings about me but

Rahi: how do you know my feelings?

Veer: don't be mad at me, but I read your diary but now listen to me what I'm saying to you it's very important, I LOVE YOU!!!! I LOVE YOU RAHI!!!!!

I always love you but not ready to accept my feelings for you, you were always there for me whenever I needed you, at any time, any place it's just you for me. I have loved you since we were kids.

When Veer told me how he feels for me, I was stuck there. I don't know how to react to it. I mean I'm very happy that he loves me back and I don't know when I started crying when he came near to me and removed my tears then I came to know that I'm crying like a little baby.

I hit him on his chest and told him if he loves me then why he tortured me like this. He said sorry, and he kneels down and brings a red velvet box... I know this is a Tiffany & Co. brand box he proposed to me again which he wanted to do earlier but didn't do it.

When he proposed to me again, I started crying and I said "YES" to him.... His happiness is showing in his eyes; he picks me up in the bridal style and starts twirling me. Finally, my wish was complete. I'm so happy.

After spending some time at hill top he starts his car and now again he didn't tell me where we are going... But I saw him texting someone.

After half an hour's drive we came to stop at The Rosewood London Hotel, I was looking at him in confusion but he just chuckled and moved towards the reception area. And told the receptionist about his booking details. He took my hand and brought me to the elevator and pressed the top floor button where the Grand Premier Suite was located. I know all this because two suites in this hotel always book under our names, whether we use them or not.

Once we entered the suite, I was stuck from the view and he came towards me and told me that he is ready to consummate our marriage. And after that by every way I belong to Veer, and he belongs to me. He completes me by every way. Before drifting to sleep I heard him say that I LOVE YOU!!! And after that sleep took over me.

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