Chapter 6:

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You hummed and opened your eyes slowly. The light from your stained window spread out over the floor, showing the cracks in the glass. You sighed and dug your face deeper into your pillow.

The idea of school made your skin crawl, and you were hesitant to flip your blankets off of you. Your phone laid beside your bed on the floor, its screen dark and cold. You tapped it a few times. Nothing showed.

You furrowed your brows and clicked the on button. Still nothing. You frowned at the realization that it was dead. Your eyes scanned the outlet. It had been plugged up, but with no power in the house, your phone hadn't been able to charge.

No phone meant no alarms, and no alarms meant waking up late. You groaned and sunk deeper into your bed before looking at the wall clock above your desk. You had woken up on time.

Your eyelids were puffy and aching from your episode the night before. Nothing felt right, and you fought with your mind over the reality of your life. Nothing had made sense in the last few days, and you wanted to cry at the possibility of everything being fake.

A small echo of a door being shut reached your ears, and you curled up tighter. A few faded footsteps later, and your door handle was being turned. It opened slowly.

"Are you awake?" Your mom whispered.

You forced yourself to stay silent, your bitter attitude preventing you from interacting with her.

"I know you're up." She tried again.

You shifted a little.

"(Y/N), look." She exhaled and stepped in your room before shutting the door behind her.

You made eye contact before looking in the opposite direction.

"I have to go back out." She said, and she made herself comfortable on the corner of your bed. "I'm sorry that I haven't been home. I know you-"

"It's fine." You interrupted. "I understand, you gotta work."

She rubbed your shoulder. "Yeah, I do. But there's leftover macaroni in the fridge if you want it!"

"Fridge doesn't work." You said.

She tilted her head to the side.

"Lights don't either." You complained. "There's no power in the house."

She nodded and stood up. "I love you."

You nodded back. "I love you too."

"You going to class today?"

"What day is it?"


You frowned. Your own mom didn't keep up with your school days.

"There's no school today."


She left the conversation at that and walked away, shutting your bedroom door before shutting the main door. You sat still, the urge to move becoming nonexistent. You wanted to lay in bed and decay, never having to deal with the real world ever again.

Your mind seemed to be coated in a thick layer of wax. Nothing made sense. None of the pieces fit together to make a puzzle. None of your thoughts were connected. You felt as if you were free falling with nothing to stop your mind from its neverending cycle of abuse.

Not being satisfied with your relaxed position, you decided to take a shower.

You walked to the bathroom lazily and stripped before turning the water on.

No power, no working water heater.

It's fine, it barely works with power anyway.

You stepped in the shower, gasping at the intensity of the freezing water. Your back arched at an attempt to get the water off of your bare skin. Goosebumps littered your arms and legs, only outlining your bruises more.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now