Chapter 20:

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Manny held the bridge of his nose as he inhaled the powder. It seemed to crystalize his lungs, leaving him struggling to use them. The dashboard of his car was sprinkled with the drug, and he lazily wiped it off with his bare hand. He only had a few more nights to go. Just a few more nights of nonstop driving.

He closed the bag in his hand and shoved the white-covered key back into his car ignition, then turned it on. He was ready to go for a few more miles.

His car slowly backed out of the parking spot he was in and drove to the nearest convenience store.

Manny had never ran away before. He had never needed to up and leave his life. This was something new to him, and he wasn't quite sure how to handle it.

But did it matter how he handled it? In his eyes, his life was ruined already. So why not just push it further? He was sure that no one would miss him. To Manny, he was replaceable, and this was just a blessing in disguise to his family and friends.

But that guy...that guy would get him. He knew it in the pit of his stomach that he really only had a couple more weeks to live. But that was something he didn't want to think about.

As he walked through the aisles of the store, memories of his life came flashing back to him. It felt unreal, being in that small store way past midnight. He felt unreal. Maybe it was the drug? Or maybe it was his conscious coming to terms with the end of his days?

His fingers lifted a pack of skull-shaped cookies and he smiled. They were your favorites back in elementary school.

He wondered how you were doing. He imagined that you weren't doing to well, especially with that man living with you. He wished he hadn't hurt you.

But he did. And he enjoyed it.

A smirk replaced the smile, and he shoved the cookies back in their place before walking along the aisle to more snacks.

If he were to be honest with himself, he wasn't sorry. He wasn't sorry for the pain he brought you or the stress he caused. He was only sorry that it ended so soon. He could have been doing that for months! But that Jax guy caught him, and he didn't get the chance to feel you again.

If he could do it all over again, he would. The only changes he would make would be to exclude Cleo. What was her obsession with you anyway??

Cleo didn't know either. She rocked herself back and forth on her bed, letting tears stream down her face as she waited for her dad to tell her that the house was finished. Her nerves couldn't handle the wait, and they forced her to be overwhelmed with everything in her room.

The knock that she dreaded sounded from her door, and she looked to it as a man in a suit walked in.

"It's finished, shall we take you?"

Cleo nodded and licked the tears from her lips before standing and, being sure to grab her suitcase, following him out to a car parked in her driveway. She climbed in the back of the car and buckled up. Her father sat directly across from her. He didn't say a word, and instead allowed the driver to do his job.

Cleo was the first to speak up.

"Is it a long drive?" She hummed.

"It's long enough." He replied, shutting down the possibility of conversation altogether.

Cleo kept her mouth closed and watched from her window. The buildings turned into trees and the trees turned into nothing. They were in the middle of nowhere, just as Cleo had hoped.

A small ball of excitement, no larger than a mustard seed, settled in her gut. It flashed in an instance, disappearing before she could experience it fully. But the realization of her excitement was enough to make a smile spread across her slim cheeks.

A house, barely half the size of any house she was used to, sat in the middle of an open field. The driver turned down a gravel driveway, and the gravel was replaced with dirt.

Cleo counted the seconds it took to reach the house, making it to 3 minutes and 14 seconds before the house was fully in view. She giggled and rushed to hug her dad, who lazily wrapped an arm around her and patted her shoulder.

"Thank you so so SO much!!!" She cried. "You're amazing!!"

He waved her off and slid her suitcase to a man in a suit. The man grabbed it and carried it inside, and Cleo dashed in through the doors.

She could already imagine the life she'd have. The new life she'd have. No more school. No more Deuce. No more Manny.

Just you and her, the way it should have been all along.

Cleo wandered around the simple house for a few minutes, noticing only 2 bedrooms instead of 3. She knew Nefera would be joining, but she wasn't sure how she'd fit everybody in. It wouldn't matter anyway, you could always share a room with her.

It was a spacious home, yet a very cozy and welcoming one. She returned back to the main room to see her father standing there.

He clapped his hands together and sighed. "When will your friend be joining?"

"I'd need a car to get her."

"She doesn't know she's coming?"

Cleo shook her head no. "But it doesn't matter."

Her dad frowned. "No, I suppose it doesn't."

Cleo didn't say much else. Instead, she went to the bedroom she claimed as her own. Her suitcases were already stacked on the bed.

She sighed. She couldn't wait to take you.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now