Chapter 27:

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Jax flipped a knife in his hand as he stared at Manny. Manny had been beaten and was covered in his own blood, only adding to the trauma he was enduring. Jax exhaled loudly and stood on his own feet.

"What the fuck did ya do with her?" He asked.

Manny shook his head. "I-I don't know where they took her!"

Jax lowered his gaze. Maybe Manny was telling the truth?

"So what's Cleo gonna do with her?"

"She lo-oves her. Dude, please!"

"Dude?" Jax hummed. "I ain't yer friend. And ya ain't mine."

"Why do y-you wanna know where she's at?" Manny sputtered.

Jax sighed. "Lemme tell ya a lil' story."

Jax took a knife in his hand and skinned Manny's knee. He let out a loud screech before he started crying. He didn't care about anything anymore; he just wanted the pain to stop.

"When I was young, my daddy was an alcoholic-" Jax skinned the other knee. "And my momma was a saint. My sister committed suicide after being sexually assaulted. Like you did to (Y/N)."

Manny shook his head. "I-I know you're mad, but-"

"Mad's an understatement. I'm fuckin' livid." Jax cackled. He grabbed a screwdriver before shoving it under Manny's now revealed kneecap. "When I turned 18, I went in the Marines. I fought in a lot of other countries. I was a raging alcoholic too."

Manny let out another scream. Jax stifled a laugh, finding Manny's lack of defense hilarious.

"You're fucking crazy!" Manny howled. "You're insane!"

Jax ignored him. "I had a wife. And a daughter. No older than 2 years old. And my wife was addicted to...somethin'. And she...And she killed my daughter."

Jax allowed a single tear to escape before he dried his tears. "Had her in the bath. I thought she was just washin' her. But when I...when I went in...her lil body was-was just there. Floatin' in the water."

"What about your-your wife?" Manny figured talking to Jax would keep Jax too busy to hurt him.

Jax looked up at Manny with a soulless gaze. For a split second, Manny could have sworn that Jax wasn't a monster, he was the devil. Manny heaved a breath. It didn't enter his lungs, and instead left them empty and dry.

"I killed her."

Manny didn't have time to reply as Jax stabbed his neck with the screwdriver. Blood spurted out over the floor and curtains, staining the motel with liquid life.

Jax stared at the corpse as more blood spurted. He didn't feel anything. No guilt, no fear, no happiness. He felt empty, like he was just a puppet on a string. His lack of emotion wasn't even surprising. He just didn't care. Whether it was right or wrong, he didn't care. The law could go to hell.

Jax grabbed the corpse by a horn. Then, he grabbed a saw and lined it up with the hole that the screwdriver made. He sawed back and forth, watching the flesh rip with every cut. Finally Jax hit the bone, and he jerked the corpse on the ground to get a better grip. He stood on Manny's head and continued to saw. The muscles twitched and rippled as they came closer to death, and Manny's mouth jerked open from the tendons being cut through.

Jax didn't bat an eye as he finished his last cut. Then, he held the head up and stared at it's lifeless eyes. They were like jelly, oozing from his face from the force of Jax's foot against them. He stared at it a little longer before carrying it out to the car. If someone saw, Jax didn't care. The cheap motel had no cameras or other residents, meaning Jax was safe from any prying eyes.

He tossed it in his passenger seat and settled in the driver's seat before starting the car and pulling out of the motel.

You stared at Cleo. She had been trying to feed you for the past hour, but, despite the food actually being delicious, you and refused to eat more than a few bites. Cleo was clearly distraught with this, as she had hoped to have a nice and relaxing meal with you.

She had clearly underestimated what she was dealing with. She assumed that after a day or two you'd be back to your cheerful self. Instead, you had done the exact opposite and curled your personality back into you. It was as if you didn't have one. You were constantly blank. You were never hungry. You were never thirsty or tired, and the evidence was starting to show with bags under your eyes.

If you were honest with yourself, you weren't mad. You were just done. You gave up escaping from your life a while ago. Now, you only wanted to escape from Cleo.

"What do you want?" She begged. "What can I do?"

"I want a shower." You admitted. "And to be let free."

"I can't do that! I can't let you leave! I won't let you leave!"

"Then at least let me have a shower."

She seemed to contemplate it. Your hair was getting greasy and disgusting, and you were clearly uncomfortable with the amount of body odor and sweat that had built up. You were a clean person, and the lack of hygiene revolted you.

"Fine." She sighed, and she untied you from the chair.

Cleo grabbed a handful of your hair, seeming unfazed by its nasty feeling. She led you to the bathroom with her grip tight. Then, she shoved you in and slammed the door shut. She locked it from the outside, satisfied with how well you obeyed.

"I'll be out here! Call if you need me!"

You hummed a "Yes ma'am" before looking around for any cameras. After finding none, you stripped and turned on the shower. You felt exposed. The simple fact that you were in your kidnappers bathroom was terrifying.

This was not how a kidnapper should act, and it made you worry for your safety. Everything was unexpected and confusing, and you didn't want to be left in the dark, though it seemed like that was your only option.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now