Chapter 18:

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Manny woke to the hot sun beaming down into his car from his windshield. He grunted and peeled his eyelids open, breaking the solid sleep that glued his eyes shut.

His eyes looked around at the small alleyway that he had parked in the night before. There were absolutely zero signs of life around him. He felt out of place and yearned for his home, but swiped the feelings away quickly. He was a runaway now, he needed to act like it.

Manny shoved his key in the ignition and cranked the car up. He knew he had many more miles to go before he was safe, and he didn't want to delay it any.

Without much thought, he pulled out of the parking space and back onto the main road.

He felt sick as the town faded from his rearview mirror. He wanted to take it all back and start over. He wanted to have never spoken to you, and if he knew the outcome of it, he would have switched schools immediately.

His hands ran over the steering wheel as the sweat built up on them. He looked at his gas meter. He'd have to stop at a gas station before hitting any highways.

His cellphone, which hadn't been thought of until then, blared his ringtone. The number wasn't saved into his contacts, causing him to furrow his brow and grab the device. The number rang a few more times before he carefully swiped to answer.

"Hello?" Manny asked.

"Ah. Didn' think you'd answer."

Manny stiffened in his seat, and he pulled the car into a convenience store parking lot before going to a gas pump.

"Who is this?!" He barked. He already knew the answer, but he held onto any chance it wasn't who he thought it was.

"Aw, I'm hurt. Didn' think you'd forget me already." The voice made a gruff chuckle before continuing. "Heard ya skipped town. Thought ya were smarter than that."

"Look, I left (Y/N) alone! I did what you said!"

"Don' whine like a bitch. Ya did this to yerself. I jus' figured I'd let ya know how much longer ya got."

Manny tensed his chest. The belittling sent a small fire through his gut. "Then how much time do I have, asshole?"

"Ooh, we're gettin' playful now, huh? Ya got 3 weeks. I'll send ya another reminder, no worries!"

"What's your fucking name? I'll call the damn cops!"

"Jax Strutton. Good luck with the cops, yer gonna need it."

The phone call ended, and Manny pulled the phone from his ear. His strong, dominant face faded, leaving him shaking and gripping his steering wheel harder. He was fucked, and he knew it.

Jax held a grin as he placed his new phone on his nightstand. Manny's threat of calling the cops didn't phase him; he knew Manny was spurting bullshit to get a reaction. He laid his back on his bed and stretched his arms up.

You opened his door and peeked your head in. He lifted his to meet your gaze.

"I'm going out with my friends." You smiled.

"Which ones?"

"Ghoulia and Jackson."

"Ight. Be safe. Call if ya need me." He waited for you to shut the door before he dropped his head.

Your footsteps faded away from his door and to the front door, which opened and closed and left him with silence. He pulled his legs up and rolled to his side.

He wondered if you saw him as a father, or if you still saw him as a random man. He hoped you saw him as a dad figure. He did always want a child.

He closed his eyes. He really had to tell you the whole truth about him.

His hand ran itself through his hair before he sat up. The blood rushed from his head, leaving him dizzy. He looked around the room to gain his vision back.

Cheap candle holders hung on the walls, and a floral curtain covered the window. It obviously belonged to a woman before he took it over.

He gritted his teeth. It belonged to the woman that was supposed to care for you. It belonged to your mom.

Jax allowed himself to drown in his thoughts. He had been living with you for a few weeks already, and your mother still hadn't made an appearance. His first assumption about her was right. She left you like an abandoned dog.

And Manny? Oh, how much Jax hated him.

And Cleo.

And your dad.

Jax had never felt so much hatred since meeting you. The moment you came into his life, suddenly he hated everything and was hateful of everyone. Why? Why did he hate everything that involved you, yet loved you as if you were his own?

It wasn't that he hated everything to do with you. Everything that surrounded you, every person and place and item and experience, was bad. You were a gem surrounded in disgusting mud.

But did he even really hate it?

Yes, of course he did. He wanted to protect you from it. He wanted to shield you from the world you grew up in and provide something he knew he couldn't. You deserved an amazing family, amazing friends, and an amazing house. You deserved more than working at a bar or allowing the local homeless man to live with you.

He stood and wiped the thoughts from his head. If he wanted to be a good dad, then he had to start somewhere, right?

Jax walked to the livingroom and tried the light switch. It didn't change any of the darkness that surrounded him. Next, he went over to the sink and turned on the tap. No water dripped out. He sighed and gripped the counter before looking over at a wall clock. 9:13 in the morning.

He figured it was early enough for a water company to be open. Jax grabbed his phone, jacket, and shoes. He was determined to provide for you. He would be a good dad to you. And he was going to prove it.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now