Chapter 12:

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You slung your front door open and stomped to your room. The lack of lights and warm air only pissed you off more, and you began swiping things off the counter tops. Glasses and plates shattered and food spilled everywhere. Your once perfectly cleaned floors were now covered in glass and soda and leftovers. You screamed and slammed your hands into the walls, trying your hardest to release some of the negative energy you had building up.

Every atom in your body buzzed with anger. Why? You couldn't remember. You tried your hardest to think of why you were so angry, and every time you did try your brain would skip to another subject. It was frustrating. Why were you so angry? What happened to make you so reactive?? Where was your god damn mom?!?

You screamed again, this time covering your ears to maximize the noise. You couldn't hear anything but your screams, and you stomped around until the bottoms of your feet ached.

Large, strong arms wrapped themselves around you. You screamed harder and thrashed yourself around, trying to get loose from whoever had their grip on you. You squirmed and dropped to the ground, ignoring the pains of broken glass sticking from your arm. The person lifted you and walked you to the master bedroom before dropping you on the bed.

You took a large gasp of breath in and screamed again. It didn't phase the person, and instead it only increased your bad attitude. No one was effected by you, and that made you more mad than you not being able to remember what happened.

"Stop!" The person demanded.

You bit down on your lip to refrain yourself from screaming again. A pair of arms engulfed you and pulled you to their strong chest. You relaxed, recognizing Jax's ragged breathing. His hands massaged circles into your shoulder blades, releasing any tension you had left in your body.

"What's up?" He hummed after feeling your shoulders drop. "Why ain't you at school?"

You shrugged tiredly. "I don't remember."

"You don' remember?"

"No. I-I don't know."

He nodded, seeming to understand the situation better than you. He sat beside you on the bed and exhaled.

"Hey, maybe....maybe you should jus' drop out?" He offered.

You shook your head no. "I can't just drop out. I got-"

"You don' have to worry 'bout it. You're old enough. And any of your friends ain't worth stayin'."

You nodded. "Y-Yeah..."

He hummed. "I've got to go to work tonight. You wanna come with me? I'm sure bossman will let ya."

You nodded. "Yeah...I wanna go."

You breathed a sigh of relief. You felt much better now, all thanks to the random homeless man you tripped over and then let move in with you. He smiled and stood up. "Sit here. I gotta go clean that mess."

You giggled, tears steadily streaming down your face. "I'm sor-ry." You hiccuped.

He nodded. "You're okay."


Jax shrugged on a coat and waited for you to lace up your old, stained sneakers. You sent him a grin from your spot on the floor before heaving yourself up with his outstretched hand.

"You ready?" He asked.

You nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."

He wrapped an arm around you as you stepped outside in the dark. It would be Jax's first night at his new job, and it would be your first night helping him. Nightshift was never your idea, but you were willing to do anything to get your mind straight.

He locked the door behind him as if it was going to stop anybody. You snickered. He sent you a curious glance.

"It's not gonna help. I'm pretty sure the only reason I haven't gotten broken into yet is 'cause they feel bad for me." You joked.

He frowned. "So you don' lock your doors?"

You shrugged. "When I feel like it."

He finished locking the door anyway and stepped up to you with a beanie. You watched him carefully as he pulled the knitted beanie over your head and ears. You giggled and swatted at him. "You're being so dramatic. It's not that cold."

He smiled and pulled it down over your eyes to hide his blush. "Come on."

You followed behind him as he led the way to a bar. You recognized the bar after running past it while escaping Manny so many times. Jax opened the door to reveal an empty room.

The bartender smiled at him and tossed him the keys. "You've worked at a bar before, right?"

Jax nodded. "Yeah, not my proudest moment though."

"Ahhhh, you'll be fine!"

"As long as there's no fights I'll be fine." Jax added.

You stayed behind Jax, watching their conversation unfold. You felt severely out of place, and you wanted to hide in the bathrooms and never come out.

Their conversation ceased when you stepped awkwardly out of view.

"Who's this?" The bartender asked, pulling on a thick coat.

Jax took your hand and pulled you towards him. "This is (Y/N). She's gonna be stayin' with me while I work."

You waved at the bartender, who looked just as roughed up as Jax did. The bartender held an amused smile on his face, and he finished putting on his coat before tossing you a rag. You caught it clumsily.

"Bet she'd be nice for catching some attention, eh?"

Jax chuckled. "Yeah, she's definitely an eyecatcher."

You traded your weight from foot to foot to limit your embarrassment. The bartender gave a deep laugh and brushed past you. "The guns under the counter. Shoot this old bitch if you gotta." He instructed, pointing at a betrayed Jax. You giggled.

"Yes sir!"

The bartender left, and you listened for the jingle of the bell on the door to signal that he was truly gone. Jax turned to you. "Bars can get rough, kid. Go sit over there on that stool."

"The one behind the counter?"


He followed behind you as you approached the stool. It looked like it would break at any given moment, and you weren't sure if you wanted to test your weight on the cracking, uneven wooden stool. You did so anyway.

It held you perfectly with no intent on giving out. You smiled at Jax.

"Just sit there and lemme know if you need anythin'."

You nodded. "Yes sir."

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now