Chapter 22:

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Jax sat on his bed with his phone in his hands. He had Manny's number dialed on the screen, and he waited patiently for him to answer. The call never connected, leaving Jax to dial it again. Manny answered immediately.

"You have one week left." Jax chuckled. "How're you gunna spend it?"

"Fucking your mom, bitch." Manny replied, and the phone hung up. Jax burst out into laughter, enjoying the attitude he received.

Manny, however, did not enjoy it. Ever since he had been on the run, he hadn't been able to enjoy much of anything. Not even the drugs that coated his lungs and blood stream brought him any sort of emotional release. It was a constant anxiety attack, one that he feared he'd never rid himself of.

Manny threw the phone in his cars floorboard and focused on the road once more. He didn't want to stop driving, no matter how tired or hungry he got. He didn't want to ever have to pull the car over, terrified that if he did then Jax would be there waiting.

But the fuel light on his car turned on, signaling that he needed to find the nearest rest stop and get some gas. He doubted that anyone would be out, assuming that the night would scare off others into staying home to sleep. He was wrong.

As he pulled into the rest stop, multiple cars littered the parking spaces. He hadn't expected there to be so many people, but his gas tank was too empty to keep going. Manny steered the vehicle near a gas pump and turned off the car.

His phone lit up with another call. He groaned, imagining it to be Jax. When he looked at the caller I.D, however, it wasn't Jax. Instead, it was Cleo. He scrambled to grab the phone and answer it.

"H-Hello?" He asked.

Cleo's voice came through clearly. "So, I heard you had Jax on your back like a leech, huh?"

Manny sighed. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I have ways." Cleo let a sick smile, quite similar to Jax's, bleed onto her cheeks. "I was just checking on you. How long does he say you have?"

"A week. But obviously I can outrun him." She could hear his grin through the speaker.

"I don't think so." She giggled. "I think you're going to die. And I think me and (Y/N) will sit at your funeral happily. After our wedding, of course."

Cleo listened as Manny stopped breathing. "Y-Your wedding? Since when were you two...together?"

"As soon as she comes home with me is when we'll be together." Cleo barked. "I was just calling to check and see how you were. Hope he doesn't kill you too fast!"

Cleo hung up after that, not feeling the need to talk to him any longer than normal. He was your rapist, after all.

Her eyes led her to the multiple pictures of you she had hanging up on her walls. Her heart ached for the short period of time where she was blind to your beauty. If only she had noticed sooner, then maybe you two could have been together already. Maybe you wouldn't have to be dragged there by force. Maybe everything was avoidable.

But it didn't matter. Cleo wouldn't have it any other way. If you were the prize at the end of the journey, she'd follow any and every map to get to you.

But she couldn't get carried away, no! She had a lot of planning to do. She had a lot of organizing and cleaning and learning to do before your arrival.

So, she placed her phone on its screen and turned back to the pie she was making. It was (F/F), your favorite according to Ghoulia. She glanced over at the clock hanging on the wall. It was 1:28 in the morning, and she still hadn't put the pie in the oven or taste-tested it.

She was slacking!

Cleo pulled her flour covered hand to her face and slapped herself. Then she pulled back and slapped herself again.

It was a type of punishment for Cleo. She was sure she'd focus after that, and she forced the forming tears to go back down. She couldn't be a pussy if she was going to love you! She had to be strong!

But you didn't want to be with anyone.

You rolled over in your bed, eyes cast to the wall where they had been only 30 minutes earlier.

You didn't want a partner. You didn't want a girlfriend, or boyfriend, or anything! You only wanted it all to be over. You wanted your old life back...but maybe with Jax.

Chaos was always something you thrived in, but you hated it so much. And, just with your luck, everything around you was chaotic. You had never felt more on edge than you had in the last month and a half. You had never felt more out of control and more damaged.

But some disgusting part of you craved that kind of chaos and damage and pain. Some part of you loved feeling helpless and spiraling downwards. And who were you to judge it? It helped you love yourself more!

Or forget yourself. Either one worked.

You sighed and sat up to flip the blankets off of you. Then, you tiptoed to the kitchen where you poured yourself a cup of water.

God, how you loved having water and electricity. Jax even managed to put a dishwasher in the kitchen!

You giggled to yourself and swallowed the water hard. You needed to sleep, and sleep soon. You had work the next night, and you didn't want to be tired for it.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now