Chapter 23:

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You took one last look at yourself in your mirror before deciding that you looked good enough to go to work. You opened your bedroom door, but jumped back when you recognized Jax's tall figure that stood outside it.

"I gotta go in late, kid. Yer gonna have to work with Sylvia until I get there." He huffed, shoving his hands in his pockets.

You quirked a brow and shut the door behind you. "O...Kay? Why?"

"I just got somethin' to do. Sorry I can't walk ya today."

"Oh, it's no biggie." You waved your hand in the air to dismiss it. "I can walk myself. You're gonna walk me back though, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course. It'll be too dark for you to walk alone after work. And I'll be there later. Just got some stuff to do."

You nodded. "Okay! Well, I'll see you!"

He waved you goodbye as you headed out the front door. Jax not working? That was odd to hear. Ever since you two had gotten the job there he had worked every shift, and extras. You shrugged as you walked down the street, the setting sun reminding you that you needed to hurry before night came. You had to be there by 8 at night, and it just had turned 7:20. You sped up your walking.

Jax must've had something super important, and you figured if it was any of your business then he'd tell you.

And Jax would tell you. It was just a surprise! Jax grinned at himself as he held his phone in his hands. He walked quickly in the opposite direction of where you were going. He was going to a car dealership.

He couldn't believe it! In a matter of a month he was able to get a job, work enough hours to get your house back up and running, and he managed to use his previous credit score to get a car??

He was ecstatic, to say the least. He would finally be a good dad. After years and years, he would finally get to be a father, and an amazing one at that.

His legs moved as fast as they could. He couldn't wait to show you. He didn't want to wait to show you. He couldn't even wait himself! Oh, how proud he was. He was proud of you, of your little rundown house, of him, of the life he had, of everything. There wasn't anything he felt like he was deprived of. You were the missing puzzle piece to his life! A daughter!

He slowed enough to catch his breath, and as he did so he watched a sleek black car drive past him. He smiled. One day, he'd have a car like that. He was sure of it.

But even though Jax noticed the car, you didn't.

You had your head turned and your earbuds in. Nothing distracted you from your walk to work, and nothing tried.

A pair of strong arms reached around your waist and yanked you, dragging you back into a dark vehicle. You tried to scream out, but a hand quickly grabbed your throat, stopping your voice from leaving your mouth. You were pulled into the car easily before being thrown on your stomach in the back seat.

You landed with a thud, and before you could register your legs were ziptied together. You tried to break them free but failed.

Everything after that happened way to fast for you to comprehend. A man in a black suit straddled your waist. A tanned girl with electric blue braids sat in the front. A giggle. You kicked. You screamed. And then you were unconscious.

You awoke not too long after with a headache.

Everything happened quickly and was replaced with a fuzzy, blurred out memory.

Before you could register, you were staring up at a girl, a little older than you, with her hair pulled back in braids. A few of them were electric blue. Her giggle rang out again, piercing the memories you managed to salvage.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now