Chapter 29:

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After Cleo had went to sleep, you tried your absolute hardest to get out. After the first few attempts, you quickly realized that it was far too loud for you to break out of.

To say it simply: Cleo caught you.

You weren't in trouble though. Oh, no. Cleo's heart was far too broken for you to be in trouble. Instead, she locked you in her room after boarding up the windows. She didn't want to take any chances while she sobbed in the bathroom, too far for you to hear.

When she got back, she pulled you into her bed and quickly cuffed you to it. You struggled for a bit and shot her a glare, but she smiled in return and dragged you on the mattress.

Cleo cuddled you around your waist, laying on your stomach and kissing it gently. She traced circles on your sides, and your skin pricked from the cold. Nothing mattered to Cleo. To her, the world was perfect and she was well. She wasn't messed up in the slightest.

You squirmed in horror as her kisses turned into small bites, then small hickeys. Your wrists had been bound, meaning if you wanted to escape or throw her off, you couldn't.

"Why are you moving?" She giggled. "I know you're excited!"

You shook your head, your gag preventing any words from exiting your throat. As you tried speaking, saliva ran down your chin from the thin cloth. Your tongue felt dry and scratchy from the fabric, but you refused to let her know that.

Cleo created a small trail of hickeys up to your neck. Then, she covered it with the bright purple marks. You squirmed some more.

A small wetness began to form in your underwear. You hated yourself for it, hated yourself for getting excited.

But then again, who would find out?

You scratched it out of your mind. Of course you didn't want this!

But maybe just a bit will get you on good terms with her. You refused to acknowledge your own desires, blaming it entirely on Cleo. In reality, it was probably the trauma resurfacing, but you didn't want to think about that.

You only focused on the light nibbling that Cleo left on your neck. You were too absorbed in that to feel Cleo grabbing a pair of scissors from the nightstand.

She carefully cut open your shirt and slid it off, being careful not to touch the cuffs in fear of you escaping again.

You let out a slight moan at the cold, your nipples hardening immediately.

That was it for Cleo. She was tired of waiting to have you.

Cleo slid your pants down and threw them on the floor. Then, she slowly climbed on top. You refused to make eye contact with her as she stripped and straddled your waist. Her arousal spread onto you, only making you more horny.

She ran her hands up and down your arms and sides delicately. Cleo licked up your stomach, making you squirm and pant from the light touching.

Before you knew it, Cleo was grinding against your thigh. You grinded against hers, finally getting the release you had been craving.

Cleo grabbed your face and turned it towards her. If she was going to please you, then she wanted to watch the entire thing. She watched your face contort in pleasure, disregarding the gag all together.

"I love you." She breathed out.

You didn't make a single sound.

Cleo expected that, but it didn't change the ache in her heart from your silence. She was supposed to be your one and only! So why did you still deny her?

After you both finished, Cleo climbed off and wiped you up from the mess. Then, she uncuffed you long enough to slide a shirt over you. She could tell that the clothes made you feel better. You seemed more confident being covered up.

Cleo took note of that.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

You shook your head no. You refused to eat whatever she made, even if it killed you. You'd rather die of starvation than eat something that came from the hands of Cleo or Nefera.

"Oh, well...I'll be back then."

Cleo finished getting dressed before stepping from the room.

Jax pulled over at a rest stop. His eyes were blurry from the amount of driving he had been doing, and he needed a small refresher from his trip. He stepped from the vehicle, not caring that Manny's decapitated head was in full view for anyone that wanted to see it.

He stepped into the small building and made his way to the restroom. After using it, he washed his hands and made his way to the vending machine. While he was waiting for the machine to spit out his snack, his eye caught a small map on the wall.

He scanned it, not really paying much attention until he landed on the De Nile building in Boo York. He frowned. Wasn't that the last name of Manny's friend?

Boo York was hours away, and Jax didn't really want to have to go there. But what else could he do? Surely she knew something.

He grabbed his snack and left. He had decided. Jax started up his car and pulled out of the rest stop. Then, he turned in the complete opposite direction he had came from.

He didn't care. He needed to find you, and he'd do it one way or another.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now