Chapter 15:

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The morning came early for you, and you rolled around on your lumpy mattress in distress. You definitely didn't want to get out of bed. Knowing you had to despite your reluctance, you slipped out of the blankets and put on a decent pair of pajama pants before walking out of your bedroom.

You stumbled into the livingroom where Jax sat. His form was hunched over and agitated.

You slid into the old recliner across from his spot on the couch and eyed him. His eyes were drooping and bloodshot, and he was mumbling something while fiddling with his hands. He looked as if he hadn't gone to sleep at all.

He hadn't. Jax had stayed up the entire night, just to listen out for strange sounds coming from your room or to watch the front door in case of intruders. Your confusion was evident, but Jax didn't want to worry you.

His eyes jumped to you, then the floor again.

"Do ya know how to shoot a gun?" He asked.

You blinked at his sudden question. "I, uh...I think so?"

He shook his head. "Thinkin' ain't enough, kid. Do ya know how? Yes or no?"

His demanding tone sent off an alarm in your head, but you didn't push much on it. You figured it was his military past, maybe a PTSD episode or something of the sort.

"" You nodded.

He lowered his head and chuckled. "Of course ya don't...."

You stepped over to him and crouched beside his figure. "I think you should lay down."

"Huh? Lay down? Hell no, kid."

You furrowed your brows. "Jax, you're worrying me-"

"No, dammit!"

His sudden outburst startled you, but you didn't move away. Jax needed your help, and you were more than willing to give it.

"Jax-" you tried again.

He huffed. "N-No..I ain't goin' to bed, not now."

His softer tone seemed more desperate. He wanted to stay up, and for whatever reason, felt like he couldn't sleep. You didn't know what was wrong, but you wanted to help him regardless.

"Staying up isn't good for you. Just go on, lay down." You hummed.

He rubbed his eyes. "Ya don't get it."

"No, I don't." You shook your head. "But whatever is going on with you, I want to help."

He sighed and cast his gaze away. He was close to giving in, you could feel it.


You smiled and stood up. Before you could walk away, he had a hand around your wrist and was towering over you. You shrunk back from his tall stance, your instinct being to run instead of stay in place.

"Don't leave the house." He grumbled, and he walked over to lock the door.

The loud bang on the lock made you jump.

"That's not gonna keep me in." You chuckled.

"Nah, but I'll be able t' hear ya if ya leave." He glared.

"Why can't I leave?" You questioned.

"Ya can, just come get me before ya do." He walked to his bedroom. "If anyone comes here, wake me up. If ya go anywhere, wake me up. If ya hear anything unusual, wake me up. If ya get scared, wake me up."

"Jax, you need to sleep. You're being para-"

"Just say yer gonna listen, kid."

You sighed in defeat. "Yes, Jax, I'll come get you if anything happens. I promise."

He, who seemed to relax with your promise, gave you a small smile before shutting the door. You exhaled.

He had never acted so protective and desperate for you to be safe. He had never seemed so in charge before. You weren't used to the sudden authority over you, as normally only you were in charge of you.

It wasn't unwelcomed, it was just strange.

You decided to keep your promise, however, and you pulled your hair from your face before stepping to the kitchen. Your eyes landed on the lock.

Would he actually be able to hear it?

You figured he wouldn't, but you didn't want to jinx anything. Even if it was a small possibility that he'd hear, it was still a possibility.

You shook your head to clear your mind. At least he was sleeping. He definitely needed the rest.

Jax rolled over on his mattress and huffed. Worry ate at him, and his concern for your safety seemed overwhelming. What if someone else broke in? What if they planned on killing you? Selling you?

Jax didn't want to think of such situations. In his time overseas, he had seen so much of that. Too many young girls were trafficked or harvested or used as a sort of sick breeding animal. Too many young girls who were in need of help, but had no way of getting it.

Jax pitied them. He felt bad for the girls. But if something like that were to happen to you?

Jax didn't have a daughter, nor did he want one. He was always too scared of being a dad, too scared of fucking up a child with his issues. But now, he seemed more like a parent than he ever thought he'd have to be.

It was worrying and exhilarating at the same time. He could protect you and provide for you and care for you, and there wasn't any way to fuck you up more than you already had been. His 'fatherly instincts' kicked in more around you.

Just thinking of the harm that man could do to you made him sick. The pity he held for those girls overseas had nothing on the guilt he'd feel if something happened to you. He could only imagine the dads of those girls. He could only imagine how hurt they are from losing their own child.

Jax flipped the blankets off of him to get rid of the heat. He laid on his back and stared at the brown spotted roof in his room.

He couldn't wait to get a gun. He couldn't wait to blow that manotaurs nose open like a firework. He couldn't wait to rip those horns off and hang them in the livingroom. He couldn't wait to send that bulls parents a piece of their sons lung.

Did that make him sick? Did that make him crazy?

Probably. All his time in the military made death so easy to handle. He was probably very sick and very fucked up and very crazy.

But he just couldn't care. And that was probably the sickest he had ever felt. His lack of empathy for murdering someone stood out to him more than the idea.

Was he scared of killing that bull??

No. No, he was actually excited. He was actually very ready and very happy to do it.

Oh God, what kind of role model could Jax be for you if he couldn't even control himself?

But then again, what kind of parent would Jax be if he couldn't even protect you?

By that point, it was a matter of which was the better wrong, and Jax would rather be wrong for killing rather than be wrong for being a pussy and not doing anything to stop him.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now