Chapter 19:

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Ghoulia and Jackson waved goodbye to you as you stood outside your house door. You waved back and turned the knob, opening the door and pushing your way in. The normally dark house sent a bright light out to you as you shut the door behind you. Your eyes scanned the ceiling where the light came from.

"Jax?" You asked.

You slid your shoes off and tiptoed your way through the house and to his bedroom. The door was wide open, and the room held no signs of Jax. A door shut somewhere in the house, and you turned to where it came from.

Jax stood behind you with dripping wet hair and a set of pajamas on. He rubbed his head with a towel, trying to absorb as much water as possible.

"W-What's going on?" You couldn't help the small smile that spread across your face.

"I took a shower?" He chuckled. "And maybe you should too?"

"In the house? You took a shower in the house?" You giggled loudly, hurriedly walking to the bathroom to see with your own eyes.

The house that at one point had no power or water was now fully functioning. That meant no more buying batteries for flashlights. That meant not having to walk to the closest gas station to use the bathroom. That meant not having to take showers at the gym. That meant no more laundromats and canned food and only getting to charge your phone at work.

Jax watched from the doorway as you turned on the shower. Cold water poured from the shower head. Months of using a gym to shower were over.

You grinned widely. "Thank you so much!!"

"Kid, that's just cold water." He furrowed his brows with a smile. "Try the hot."

Your stomach did a flip. Hot water?? You'd finally have hot water?!

You turned the handle towards the hot side, and boiling hot water replaced the cold. Tears sprung to your eyes and before you knew it, you had pulled Jax into a strong hug.

He wrapped his arms around your upper back, allowing you to squeeze his waist as tears slipped from your eyes and onto his shirt. He pulled away to wipe the tears that slipped down your cheeks.

"Did ya have fun?" He asked.

You released him from your grip and wiped away the rest of the tears. "Yeah, I like seeing them."

"Good. Now get a shower. It feels amazin'."

He shut the bathroom door behind him, leaving you alone to wash away the day. You stripped from your clothes and jumped in, not giving the water time to cool down.

Jax stepped through the house with a grin on his face. He managed to be a dad, and a good one at that! He was so proud of himself for finally getting to help you.

He opened the fridge and gazed at the abundance of food that he had bought. He pulled a soda from a box and smiled even wider. Dads cook dinner, right? They cook for their kids, right? So if he made you dinner...he'd be a good dad!

Cleo, on the other hand, stared at her father hatefully. He glared back at her from the other end of the dining table. Nefera ate calmly. She seemed unbothered by the stare-down that the other two hosted.

"So, when will it be built?" Cleo asked, sinking lower against her seat and crossing her arms. Her nails dug against her tan skin, threatening to break the surface.

"Give it another month, Cleo." He hissed.

"I want it now. I need it now."

"Why? What could you have possibly gotten yourself into?"

"It's none of your business." She turned her nose up and looked away, not wanting to face what her father would say.

His glare was enough to force an answer out of her. "I have a friend....and she needs to come with me. Soon, preferably."

"A friend?" Her father allowed a sick smirk to wipe across his face. "Please explain."

"It's just a friend. But we need to go soon."

"My, would you need guards?" He feigned offense.

"M-Maybe, yeah."

"Well, what for?"

Cleo sighed and slumped in her seat. "To keep her from...leaving?"

"Ah, so it isn't consentual?"

"N-No...but it doesn't matter. When have you ever done something with consent?" She fired back.

Her father looked down and pushed his age away from him. Then, he wiped his fingertips on his napkin. "I'll have it done in 2 weeks. How about that?"

Cleo nodded triumphantly. "Good. I don't think anyone would like to know about your faults."

With that, she stood up and walked away, leaving her dad to sit in silence. He shared a glance with Nefera, who shrugged and crossed her arms. "I get to go too, right?"


"Because I want to."

He looked down again, allowing Nefera to stand and follow in her sisters steps.

Nefera found Cleo in her bedroom, cleaning out her closet and disposing of any pictures she had on her walls.

"So, is this all because of (Y/N)?" She asked, leaning up against the doorframe.

Cleo shuddered. "Don't say her name."

"Who's? (Y/N)'s?"

Cleo turned to her. "I said don't say it."

Nefera shrugged. "Fine, how about I call her your whore instead?"

Before she could register anything else, Cleo's balled fist knocked her against the floor. Nefera cradled the eye that had been hit. Cleo glanced at her once more before moving back to finish her packing.

"If you're coming with us, then you're going to respect her. And me."

"Is she going to respect you?" Nefera spat.

"Why would she?"

"Then why would she even come?"

"Because I need to leave." Cleo shrugged. "And I need a servant."

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now