Chapter 35:

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Jax's theory about the guards was proven right when a group of them exited the house. He had overheard their conversation; they were speaking to Cleo about intruders. Apparently, Jax was expected to arrive.

He shook his head and watched from the back yard as you and Cleo walked across the house. The large windows allowed for him to have perfect view of everything that happened inside, meaning he always knew what Cleo did to you.

He had seen Cleo have sex with you 3 times in the last 12 hours. Obviously you didn't want it, but he doubted that Cleo really cared. To him, the only thing Cleo cared about was hurting you. Only he could protect you as a father should. You were his child, you were his adopted kid. There was no way he'd let her get away with what she was doing.

He just had to wait.

Playing a waiting game wasn't something he was used to, but he figured it would have to work. It was his only idea at the moment anyway.

You sat on the mattress as Cleo stood on her knees behind you, drying your hair with a hairdryer. She took her comb and combed through your hair with the tool. You sat calmly, not feeling like fighting with the girl behind you. You kicked your feet off the end and hummed.

"Hey, Cleo?" You asked.

She turned down the dryer and kept it on a lower setting. "Yeah, sweetheart?"

"I think I'm crazy." You frowned.

"How so?"

"I think I see Jax sometimes. He's not here, but I see him outside occasionally."

Cleo tightened her smile and gritted her teeth. "(Y/N), I think it's just the shock. Baby, you know you never adapted well to change."

You nodded.

"Honestly, I should have watched you more. I shouldn't have taken you as soon as I did." She sighed. "I think you needed to heal more."

"Then why did you take me if you know you shouldn't have?"

"Because I love you." She smiled weakly. "And my love is enough."

"For what?"

"For fixing you."

"You can't fix me." You huffed. "I think I'm permanently broken."

"You aren't broken, love." She shook her head no. "You aren't dented or ruined or broken, you're hurt. But that's okay baby, I'll make you better."

"I think I need a doctor." You kicked your foot out again. "I think I need some professional help."

"I think you're sleepy."

Cleo turned off the hair dryer and sat it on the bed beside you. Then, she stood and turned you to face the mirror, making sure to align the mirror and your body perfectly. She started at your reflection before walking to you and hugging your side.

"Look at how pretty you are, baby." She cooed. "Look at how sweet you are."

"I-I...I think I need to go to bed."

She nodded and stepped to turn off the light. Then, she crawled in bed and flipped the blankets open for you to slide in. You did so and curled up under the blankets. Your eyes drifted to the small cage in the corner of the room. You shivered. You hated being locked in that crate.

It didn't take a lot for you to fall asleep. The rhythm of the ceiling fan and Cleo rubbing your arm made it very simple for you to fall into your slumber.

Cleo shifted under you and sighed. She had no intentions of breaking you mentally! It just happened! But now she had to deal with it. Now, she had to take care of you. She had to isolate you from everyone else, so now she had to do the same thing with your mind.

A light knock came from the door, and Cleo craned her head to look at Nefera who stood in the doorway. Cleo furrowed her brows. Nefera waved her hand for Cleo to follow, and Cleo slid out from under you and stepped into the kitchen, being sure to slowly shut the door back.

"What?" Cleo hissed.

"Just wanted to say your girlfriend needs to stay away from my shit." Nefera pulled out a small candy wrapper that she had found in the trash.

"Excuse me??" Cleo popped her hip out and crossed her arms. "That one's definitely yours."

"No, it's hers."

"Well your name isn't on it."

Nefera growled out and threw the wrapper on the ground. "Can't you just kill her already?"

"Ha!" Cleo felt her blood rise to her neck. "Kill her?"

"Yeah, kill her."

Cleo felt her mind slide. There was no way she'd ever kill you. Just the thought was so inhuman and morally wrong it physically hurt. Cleo clenched her fists.

"Don't ever fucking talk about her like that."

"Fine, I'll kill the bitch myself!" Nefera grabbed a decent sized steak knife and charged to the bedroom where you were peacefully laid.

Before Cleo could think, the knife had been snatched from Nefera and sunk deep into her stomach. Cleo held the handle with a glare. The body fell, and Cleo did as well.

By the time she had come to it was 4 in the morning. She sat in a puddle of blood beside her sisters corpse. She inhaled deeply, the metallic scent drifting around her nose almost in a taunt. She stared at the mess.

Even with Nefera dead, she was still a major pain in Cleo's ass.

Cleo stood and looked at Nefera. She'd have to clean it up before you woke. There was no way she'd ever let you witness such a disgusting mess. She was protecting you. And she doubted you'd ever notice her sisters disappearance. If you did, she'd just lie. It was simple. It was a very very simple plan, and the most foolproof of them all.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now