Chapter 32:

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Hearing voices call out to you had gotten old. It became something that was a part of your daily life, and through the last few weeks you didn't really feel the need to go and investigate those voices. They always turned out to be fake, so you decided to start saving yourself the trouble and just not respond. Maybe if you ignored it then it would go away?

Cleo had also gotten used to your episodes. You would bounce between wanting affection and absolutely hating it.

But you needed physical touch. You needed it to remind yourself you were real. And honestly, you had dropped your grudge against Cleo a while back. You just wanted comfort, knowing that freedom would never happen.

Nefera had also begun spending more time with you, wanting her sister to feel left out. It was always Nefera's thing to destroy Cleo's hope.

But every time you wanted touch, Cleo's hope was restored. Surely you would want to be touched if you liked her?

Cleo had misinterpreted your needs, which led to alot more hallucinations and a lot more panic. She didn't seem to notice, too enamored in cuddling you.

You squirmed on the small couch, trying to keep a good distance between you and Cleo. Cleo wasn't having it, and instead she pulled you closer.

"Why don't you calm down?" She hummed, pulling your head to her chest. You shrugged, not wanting to do anything other than go to bed so you didn't have to deal with it anymore.

She kissed your head and, after finally succeeding to place your head on her chest, cradled you like an infant. You sat against her, not moving after she had you in her arms.

You gave up and accepted the affection she gave, knowing that if you didn't she'd find some way to punish you. Cleo didn't seem to mind your emotional distance as long as you were physically close to her. It seemed ironic; she wanted you to be with her romantically but she only wanted you physically. It felt like a jab in your heart, and you didn't know why.

Maybe you were tired of being used?

Either way, you didn't know. All you knew is the thought of Cleo using you hurt. Your throat closed. Surely you didn't have Stockholm syndrome? No! You were way to aware for Stockholm syndrome.

But it did leave the question of why you were caring so much about how she thought of you. You could always just ask her, it wasn't like anyone would ever find out.

You had already settled on the idea that you'd never get away, and you had already come to terms with your defeat. After 2 months of never being able to escape, you figured she would get off scot free. Plus, if Cleo was telling the truth, no one was looking for you.

It was quite the opposite. Ever since your disappearance, Jackson had stared blankly at your seat at the lunch table. Ghoulia had stopped showing up to school altogether, not finding the will without you there. Jackson wiped a tear from rolling down his face and stood. He slid his bookbag over his shoulder and left the school building.

Everything was exhausting without you. School, homework, his family, his other friends, everything. Nothing seemed worth it anymore. He didn't want to go to school. He didn't want to work. He didn't want to drop out. He didn't want to even live, yet he didn't want to die. He just wanted his closest friend back.

He knew it was a useless thing to hope for, but he never gave up. Part of him, no matter how small, knew you were alive. He just had to find you. Jax just had to find you.

Jax pulled up on a piece of land without any buildings on it. It was a completely different setting than what he was used to. Normally, there'd be some house or business on it, but Ramses land didn't have anyone near it in Miami. How would he ever find you if you weren't there?

Jax felt his mind begin to slowly crack. You weren't there. You weren't anywhere.

He felt his throat burn with hatred, and in his fit of anger he kicked his car door shut. Then, he slammed his hands on the hood. He hit his vehicle again and again, swinging until his arms were tired. He felt very...destructive.

That's right.

He was destructive.

And if Ramses didn't want to tell him where you were, he'd burn the world down until he found you. Starting with the land he stood on.

Jax grabbed a gas can he had taken with him and ran out on the field, spreading the gasoline around the dry grass like water. Then, he lit a lighter from his pocket and lit the gas can.

It became swallowed in the flames, and he dropped it by his side. The fire spread immediately, burning the entire field with it. He walked off emotionless.

If Ramses and Cleo wanted to play a game, then Jax could play too. And he'd win.

If he didn't...


That wasn't really an option for him. He would win the game. He would find you. It wasn't an option.

Jax slid into his car and drove off, watching as people gathered near the field from his rearview mirror. He chuckled.

"They care so much about land but not my kid??" He laughed harder. "Ey Manny, what do ya think about that?"

He turned to the skull in his passenger seat. It didn't move. Jax laughed harder.

Yeah, he'd win the game. And he'd slaughter them all as his winners prize.

Indecisive ((Yandere Cleo De Nile x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now