Chapter 24

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Ariana's POV

Today was the day of the interview and I was ridiculously worried. They probably have a lot to talk about...

I decided to wear a checkered dress with the colors of the dress being white and blue. I also wore white heels.

My mother drove me there. It was an interview for this radio station called Music Central101. When I arrived, I tried to walk in with confidence but clumsily lost my balance while walking on my heels as I entered into the room where the interview was going to take place.

"Nerves getting to you?" A guy around my age, sitting in a chair said. He was sitting with his mouth next to a microphone so I'm guessing he was the person who will be asking questions. "Don't worry, just be calm."

I chuckle. "I'm just clumsy," I smile.

"Well I'm Bryan and this is how this'll work," he continues. "People are going to call in and ask you questions."

My eyes widened. "Oh." was all I said. I thought that I was going to answer questions that were frequently asked and that Bryan would be asking them. Now I might have to deal with some crazy people.

"So take a seat," Bryan points to the chair across from him. There was a microphone on the table in front of that chair also. So I sat in the chair and tried to hide my fear with a smile.

"Okay, in 5, 4, 3, 2," Bryan became live. "Hey it's Bryan on Music Central101! Today we have a very special guest and her name issssssss ARIANA GRANDE!"

"Hey!" I say with enthusiasm.

"So today we are going to be interviewing Ariana and you guys will ask the question. All you have to do is call in and you'll get to speak to ARIANA GRANDE!" He kept roaring my name which got annoying.

"Yep, I'm pretty nervous though." I laugh.

"It's okay, you guys can't be that harsh."

Suddenly a call came in.

"Okay, Sydney from Illinois what's your question?" Bryan asks.

"How could you try to commit suicide?" Sydney sounded desperate to know.

"Well Sydney, that's personal information and I refuse to tell the world that," I try to say as formally and calm as possible.

"Well you gotta give some kind of answer," Bryan tells me.

"Oh well it's just..people are hurting me and people are dying," I look down. "I don't want anyone to try what I tried though...i definitely won't do it again."

"Okay, thank you for calling Sydney!" Bryan says and she thanks him too then Bryan hangs up.

"Now we have Tanya from Tennessee,"

"Hey yea I'm Tanya and I love you Ariana so much...anyways are you dating anyone or are you interested in dating anyone?" She asks excitedly.

"No, I'm single and NOT ready to mingle...and I love you so much more," I say smiling. It wasn't that bad of a question.

"Okay thank you Tanya," Bryan says and she says bye then he hangs.

I kept getting pretty decent questions and everything was going fine. But then it started to go downhill.

"You little ***** you made my ******* daughter cry because of your problems! She thought her idol was going to die and she is still ******* upset about it. You shouldn't be a idol...your a piece of-" Bryan hangs up before the lady could continue.

"Um okay on to another," he says awkwardly. "Hey Acacia from Oregon."

"You were my idol ever since Victorious and you're really good at singing and everything...but you're a slut. and you are looking for attention in a horrible way. Just die without posting it all over the internet!" Acacia literally screams.

"Either way everyone would be mad, so I decided to just tell why I was doing what I was doing. I was not looking for attention because recently I've been having nothing but horrible things happen to me because of getting the spotlight. if you could kindly **** off I'd be happy love." I say in a calm voice.

"***** I'll kill you mys-" Bryan hangs up.

"Okay how about we stop with those questions," he says in the microphone while chuckling fakely.

I nod in agreement. Then I remember no one can see me nodding.

"Yeah," I say.

"Can you tell us about any new music?" Bryan asks.

"Well with all that's going on, I haven't been able to work on things that I want to work on but I really have things in plan," I answer.

"I guess we can be looking forward to some great things ahead from Ariana Grande!" He says with a little enthusiasm.

"Mmhmm," I respond.

Now there's some crazy photos out there from the paparazzi...can you explain those?"

"Yeah, they were all over me and I was having a really bad day so they weren't helping."

"Yeah paparazzi can be vicious.." Bryan chuckles a little.

"They were all over my house and everything," I exhale sharply.

"Sounds fun, Okay thanks for joining us!" Bryan smiles.

"Thanks for having me!" I say loudly which causes everyone in the room to laugh.

"Calm down," Bryan laughs.


I drive to my house where my mom was no where to be found. She must've went on a walk or something. I knew I didn't like the attention but everything became boring. All I'm getting is calls for interviews so I picked one...the one that I just went to.

Since my mom wasn't here to cook anything, I went in the kitchen myself and made some casserole. I wasn't an amazing chef but I can eat my own food without puking so that's good.

I closed the oven and went to the couch and fell. I was still in my dress but I still fell since I was so exhausted. I slowly closed my eyes and gently fell into a deep sleep.





My eyelids lifted up quickly. I sniffed the air rapidly when I smelled something strange.

It smelled burnt like..Smoke...smoke!

I jumped up from the couch realizing that there was smoke everywhere. It was a lot which was why my fire alarm was going off. I looked around feeling useless since I couldn't do anything and it was hard to see.

I looked to my oven and saw orange, red and yellow. I ran around in panic looking for the front door. My casserole got the house on fire.

I was beginning to have trouble breathing because of the amount of smoke.

Suddenly I heard firetrucks outside my house and then a door opened and men came sprinting in. They yelling directions and other random things and I was walking around trying to find in the fog of smoke.

"Help!" I yell weakly. A lot of things were catching on fire now; the counters, cupboards. I worriedly ran around the house causing me to trip on the leg of a table.

I just laid there, almost accepting my death but then I felt hands pull my arms. The person lifted me up and carried me out the front door.

I said nothing. All I did was wheeze and cry.

Outside I saw Colleen, Glozell, Josh, random people that might've been fans, and the paparazzi. They had extremely worried faces and some of the random people were snapping pictures of me.

I look around in the crowd of random people and to my surprise see...


Hey :( long time no see 😂😂😂XD
I'm sorry about not posting a chapter but yea...idrk why I haven't posted but SORRY!!

I would've wrote more in this chapter but I just really want to post this. so I hoping to update the next chapter soon

Stay Awkward🌴


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