Chapter 26

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Ariana's POV

I've been laying in the hospital bed for a while now. No one was in the room with me so I just laid there looking at the tv which has hardly any decent channels.

Why am I always in the hospital now?? I always have tragic things happening to me. It all started ever since I was with Jai.

Suddenly a nurse comes in with the fakest smile I've ever seen.

"Hey, how ya doin'?" She asked uninterested. She was shuffling through papers so she obviously didn't care what my answer was.

"Um not good," I reply and she continues to shuffle through more papers as she walks to the computer desk.

"Great!" She flashes another fake smile.

I was about to say something but she pulled out a paper. This whole time she must've been looking for that paper. She handed it to me.

"This is something you may want to read and then sign," she walks toward the door.

"Um excuse me, I think that you should explain this!" I was getting very annoyed with this lady.

"You can read can't you?" She says with her eyes squinted.

"Yes I can read but you're going to sum it up for me like a nurse should do!"

She rolls her eyes and snatched the paper from me.

"All it says is...blah blah blah...burned skin...blah," I interrupt her.

"Surgery?!?" I almost screamed.

"Yes, are you deaf now?" She rolls her eyes once again.

"No I'm not deaf but what surgery?" I ask frightened. "What kind of surgery would I need."

"It pretty much says you'll need surgery to cover up the burnt skin with skin that's not burnt," she explains.

"Why?!" My eyes were wide.

"Well it doesn't exactly say but Basically it's because if you maybe want to show your back in dresses then you'll want that burnt skin covered," I recognized she was chewing gum this whole time and it looked disgusting. She chomped on it disrespectfully so I made a face at her.

"Why are you making that face,"

"Stop chewing like that," I continue to make a face.

"Anyways I suggest you get this surgery, since you're famous and all," she turns around towards the door.

"Are you sure there's nothing else you need to do in here?"

"No that's why I'm leaving," she walks out the door and slams it. Then suddenly a male doctor came in.

"Hello Miss Grande," the man smiled. The smile seemed real to me unlike the nurses.

"Um why do you need to come in here if that lady just came out?" I asked confused.

"Well she's a student...she wants to be in the medical field," he explains but I still give him a confused look. "She's just volunteering."

"Ohh, well she's a horrible nurse and I don't want her in here again." I say.

"Yeah she kind of has a behavior problem...," the doctor mumbled. "But anyways there's someone here for you."

"Oh my mom," I say, but when the doctor walks out the door he brings in Jai.

"Hey," Jai waves.

"Oh hey." I say quietly.

"I'll leave you guys alone," the doctor walks out the room, shutting the door behind him.

"So why are you here?" I ask slanting my eyebrows.

"I wanted to make sure you were all right," he looks down to the floor and scratches his neck awkwardly.

I smile because I think awkward is cute. His hair looked kind of rough and he was wearing sweatpants and a sleeveless t-shirt. You would think he would clean up a little bit. I laugh at the thought.

"What's funny?" He says.

"You and your sweatpants," I continue to laugh.

He walks over to the bed I was laying in and sits on the end. We were silent for several seconds but I decided to show him the surgery paper to end the silence.

"You really have to do this?" He asks looking kind of worried.

"Well I'd think it'd be mandatory since I'm a celebrity," I explain and I could see Jai's face looking upset.

I smile at him. It was nice to know he cares about me.

"I'll be fine Jai."

"I know...I just don't like the word surgery."

"Who would..but I have to do this."

"When is it?" He moves closer to me.

"Well on this paper it says it'll be three days after the date I signed it."

"I want to see you before the surgery," Jai looks down sadly.

"I want to see you," I grin and there was a long pause. "Why can't I ever get over you, Jai?"

His face was full of confusion and his cheeks turned pink.

"Well I ask the same thing." he says.


Hey Palm trees🌴, I'm in florida 🌞right now (I get to see Palm trees here lol) so that's why I haven't updated. SORRY!

Please VOTE AND COMMENT if you liked this chapter! Thanks for reading :) and for being patient😬

Stay awkward 🌴


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