Chapter 32 FINAL

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Ariana's POV

"Why is this your life?" Colleen's arms wrapped around my body, "You don't deserve any of this."

We were sitting across from each other, pretzel style, on the guest room bed. As Colleen was still resting, she was able to hear my sobs from inside her bedroom.

It was early in the morning and my mom was out. She wanted to work out some things with the house and insurance.

"I should've listened to you!" I hiccup as I try to catch my breath.

Colleen's eyes widens, "Ariana, stop saying that!" She shook my shoulders, "If you told me to stay away from someone, then I wouldn't even listen."

I release myself from Colleen's grip on my shoulders and stand up from the bed. My eyes were stinging from the dried up salty tears that ran down my cheeks just a minute ago. I wiped my sensitive eyes with the back of my hand and exhaled slowly in attempt to regain my composure.

As I began to walk out of the room, I hear Colleen climb off the bed and run up behind me.

"Ariana, we need to go to Jai's house," her eyes stared deeply into mine, "We need to end this."

"End what?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"This confusion!" Colleen whips her hands around wildly as she explained. I just look at her with a blank expression still not understanding.

She grabs my wrist and tugs me to the front door. In a quick motion, she puts a small jacket over me and brings me out the door with her. We both come out to the pouring rain; worms covering the ground, the air smelling of somewhat pee, and giant puddles on the road. Great...the jacket Colleen gave me didn't even include a hood.

I rush to the passenger seat of Colleen's sparkly white car and am joined by Colleen sitting in the drivers seat at the same time. We both glance at each other and sigh. We're on our way to Jai's house and we both have on our pajamas; me in a oversized shirt with the jacket and Colleen in a purple crop top tank top and puppy covered pants. At least we remembered shoes. We both put flip flops on before we exited out the door.

Now it's time to end the confusion, as Colleen says.


Jai's POV

I pour my milk on top of my fruit loops just as the doorbell rings. Since my mom was out clothes shopping, I had to make my own breakfast. Exhaustion completely took over my body so I decided on just cereal. You can tell from the bags under my eyes that I haven't had much sleep.

I place my bowl on the island in the middle of my kitchen and make my way towards the door. I'm not sure on who it could be since my mom usually takes a full day to finish clothes shopping. Probably a little girl selling Girl Scout cookies or something.

I twist the nob and pull open the door. Ariana and Colleen stand on my welcome mat, soaking wet. They both were in their pajamas and their hair matted to their head.

I was at a loss of words. Should I let them in considering that they're standing in the pouring rain? Should speak to them while they stand outside?

"Uh, come in," I say before I even realize that I'm speaking.

They enter the house and I close the door. When I turn my head around the two girls were staring at me. I stuff my hands inside my jean pockets and slowly nod showing them that they can speak.

"You two really need to talk," Colleen's says, gesturing between Ari and I, "You're putting Ariana through hell everyday."

I glance at Ariana who's eyes are focused on my wooden floor. Then I turn back to Colleen and nod in agreement.

"Let's talk in the living room."

I lead them into my living room where they sit on the couch and I sit in the cushiony chair beside them.

I give them a small, hesitant smile, "What's up?" I ask.

Colleen's eyebrows rose but it wasn't in shock, it was in anger.

"What do you mean, 'what's up'!" She says bitterly, "Why are you tampering with Ari's emotions?"

Ariana's eyes scanned around the room but she wouldn't look at me. I stared at her for a moment and could tell that tears were building up in her eyes.

"I-I just-," I was interrupted by Colleen.

"Tell the truth Jai!"

I brushed my hand through my hair and let out a breath.

"Ariana," I say and she brings her eyes up to me slowly, "I have done the dumbest things and I'm sorry for each and every one of them. Also when Jacky was in my house, I did not do anything with her. I honestly have no feelings for her.

"I love you Ariana, more than you'll ever know. I just want to protect you and I thought that staying out of your life was the only way. You have no idea how much it pains me to see you hurt or depressed. Or how much it pains me to see that you're confused," I sigh and put my face in my palm.

It was uncomfortably quiet until I felt tiny, cold hands grab mine. Ariana stood in front of me with tears running down her face. She pulls me up from my chair and we became face to face.

Our eyes burn into each other's. Ariana lifts her arms and wraps it around my neck continuing to stare into my eyes. I wasn't sure what to do until she grins widely.

I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her even closer than we were before. I could feel tears forming in my eyes and I failed to contain them. The next thing I know, I was crying just like her.

She chuckled lightly and wiped the falling tears off my face.



"I love you too."

I crash my lips onto hers and close my eyes. The softness of her lips and the sparks ignited during the kiss put me on cloud nine. Her fingers played with my hair as our lips were tightly locked. When I was beginning to lose air I pulled back slightly with a ear-to-ear grin stretched across my face.

Suddenly Ariana's small arms pulled me into a tight embrace and I squeezed back.

"I missed you so much," we both said in unison.




This book is sadly over :(

I really wanted to end a book so that I could start a new one using better grammar and having an actual plot from the beginning. It also is not a fanfic BUT I'm ridiculously excited for it. Its going to be called Breaking Innocence!

So if you enjoyed this book and want to see some BONUS CHAPTERS then comment what you would like to see them be about.

Thanks you so much for reading. ilysssssm! This was the first book I ever made on Wattpad so it's sad that I'm ending it but I think I need a long break from fanfics honestly omg. But please stick around for my new book that I'm going to be posting RIDICULOUSLY soon. Maybe tonight or tomorrow I will post it.


Stay Awkward

See you later :)

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