Chapter 27

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I felt a moment of relief as soon as I was woke up by hands gently shaking my shoulder. It was Glozell and she was all up in my face. Her concerned facial expression grew into a wide smiling, bright face.

"Is you okay, is you good? Cuz' I wanted to know," Glozell says referring to her YouTube video intros. I laugh understanding her joke. Glozell was a jokester and we would all laugh at her. She made me smile whenever I needed to. I just came out of surgery and am smiling! She's great at ignoring bad situations and turning a depressing day into a wonderful one.

I was surrounded my multiple people: Glozell, Colleen, Josh, my mom, my dad, Alexia, Jai. I could feel the tension in the room as all eyes were on Jai except for Alexia's. She wasn't really aware of everything going on.

Alexia has been working on her acting career. She's been performing in plays, auditioning for roles in plays and just anything she could. Unfortunately, she had to miss an audition to come see me and I feel horrible.

I don't text her regularly. I don't call. She is completely oblivious to everything going on. She hardly at all knows who Jai is or what he's done. All she knows is that we've dated. I don't even think she knows that we broke up.

We're not really together, me and Jai. It's like a love / hate relationship with him. I don't know if we should date and I don't know if we should hate. (rhymed it)

"How are you doing?" Alexia asked with a soft tone. "I got the time to catch up with everyone."

"I'm sorry I haven't really updated you about my life." I said exhaustedly.

"It's alright, I should've called you," Alexia gently rubs by arm.

"Alexia, no! It's my fault," I know she knows it's true but she doesn't want to admit it.

"If you say so," she continues with a smirk on her face,"Come on Jai, kiss your girlfriend...she just came out of surgery."

The expression on Jai's face was so much in shock that it was almost funny. My face was probably the same though.

"We're not dating!" Jai yells quickly.

"Yeah Alexia, we aren't dating anymore!" My eyes were wide.

Alexia's face went bright red in embarrassment. "Oh I'm sorry! I thought you were!"

I breathe heavily,"No I'm sorry for not telling you."

Alexia forces a smile and then frowns. Her expression changed so quickly that it worried me.

"Hopefully we can talk and hang out more," she crosses her arms, "now that we know we can't live without each other." She smiles again.

I chuckle, "right."

Jai stood behind everyone with his head handing low. He came here for a good reason, to support me after my surgery. Why should I hate him.

"Hey Jai," I guess I startled him because his head shot up quickly, "how's your parents?"

Everyone jerked their head toward Jai and stared at him, waiting for an answer.

"Oh, they're good," he formed a small smile with no teeth showing.

I smile back, "good."

"Anyways, how do you feel?" Colleen asked, changing the subject.

"Great! Just a little tired," I said and they all nod.

"What about your back?" Josh continues, "It doesn't feel sore at all?"

"Not really, it feels like I have plastic rubbing against my back," I giggle.

"Probably so," my mom laughs.


I rode a limo with my mom with tinted windows. It was important that I didn't get ambushed especially after this surgery. So no one could see inside the limo because the windows were so dark. I probably stayed at the hospital for 3 hours until they actually allowed me to leave. But it was early in the morning that I woke from my surgery so I still technically had a full day.

Everyone else that stayed with me after the surgery said they would go home in their own cars. They all left several minutes before my mom and I while my doctor talked to both us.

We were going to Colleen and Josh's house since our house was burned down. We were still trying to sort all of that out. We had to have a home..

My mom helped me into the house since I wasn't exactly comfortable with how my back felt when I walked. When I entered the home my jaw dropped to the floor in shock. There stood everyone that left the hospital before me.

It looked like they were throwing a welcome back party for me with all the balloons and confetti everywhere but someone trashed it. There were red paint splattered across the walls and 'bitch', 'die' and some more disturbing words were spelled out with the paint.

Tears fill up my eyes as I was feeling a mix of emotions at the moment. I was grateful for their attempt to throw a party for me but I was obviously upset that someone actually came in and trashed the whole thing. It was devastating.

"Lord Jesus!" Screamed Glozell wide eyed.

"Who the hell did this?!" Josh's eyes were filled with fury.

"Well someone who obviously doesn't like Ari," my mom wandered her eyes around the room with the look of disbelief on her face.

I slowly walked forward looking at all the paint and destroyed furniture. The couch was torn and there were picture of me all over the place. The pictures were all tampered with. I had mustaches and devil horns in almost all of them and even more disturbing objects were drawn over me.

"I'm sorry Ari," Jai says after a long silence from everyone in the room. "You think we should call the police?"

Everyone looked at him angrily, "Uh yeah!" They all said in unison.

"I think I have a clear idea of who did this!" I allow the tears I was holding back to come down. "This all is gong to stop and I will make sure of it."

I storm into the bathroom and slam the door behind me. Who else would do this? No one but Jacky.


Ariana : hey Palm trees !🌴

Did this update suck? Yes I know lol. But VOTE and COMMENT if you want this story to continue anyways😂😅lol

I haven't updated forever so I HAD to update and I've been procrastinating.

I have a lot of stories and it's overwhelming. I REALLY wish that I didn't make all these books at the same time haha. But I love them all so...

Stay awkward🌴


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