Chapter 15

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*btw these girls aren't innocent so I have to put in the cussing in order to make their character. i don't think you'll mind but if you do then please comment.

Ariana's POV

Bailey went storming down to the front door in anger. I really don't know what is up with that girl.

"Hey what the hell happened up there?" Jenny asked confused when I was walking down the stairs.

"Nothing," I answer back.

"We should go to the mall," Jenny randomly says. "But you'll have to change out of......that."

"I'm not changing out of this," I say giving her an attitude.

"Ok, well me and Sofie will be going to the mall so make sure to open the door when we get back..because I know how you can be a little..slow," She smiles. "Toodles!"

She walks out the door and walks over to Sofie.

"I finally finished taking out all the bags Jenny," Sofie yells excitedly.

"Cool, now put them all back in because we are going to the mall," Sofie just stands there motionless. "Lets get a move on...CHOP CHOP!"

Jenny went into the drivers seat of their van but Sofie stayed still.

"Sofie! Stop shaking and bring your ass in the car," Jenny yells but Sofie just continues to shake.

I walk out the door and go over to Sofie.

"Sofie?" I rub her back but she doesn't do or say anything.

Jenny comes out the van and walks up to my face smiling.

"It's okay, she has these..moments a lot," Jenny pulls her into the car. "well, I'll see ya later bae."

I felt really bad for Sofie. She could have some real issues and Jenny is just so idiotic that she doesn't care.

"Hey before I go, how about taking our bags in since Sofie was having a hard time listening," Jenny smiled and drove off. I just stood there looking like an idiot in a unicorn onesie.

I walked inside to see that Bailey was standing right next to the door.

I just stared at her and she stared back. She looked angry but had as smirk on her face.

"What," I say scrunching up my face.

"Sofie always has those problems. She just can't stand up to Jenny," Bailey flips her long brown hair. "I can stand up to that bitch."

"Ok...," I roll my eyes. "Come help with the bags."

"She asked you, so that not my problem," Bailey walks to the living room and starts watching tv.

"Hey Bailey you know you're pretty rude!" I yell so that she could hear me.

"I'm a guest, so you gotta do everything thank you very much," she says with that stupid attitude of hers.

I grab the bags and bring them into the house.

It took probably 20 minutes literally to get all of their junk into the house.

I go into the living room to check on Bailey and to my surprise I see her on the couch crying with her phone in her hand.

I run over to her and sit next to her on the couch.

"What's wrong Bailey!" I asked worriedly.

I move my hand over to her phone while her head was down.

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