Chapter 29

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Ariana's POV

My eyes shot open and I breathed sharply. I thought maybe I woke up from a nightmare but when I began to unknot I could hear loud beeping noises. It sounded like it came from a phone. When no one picked it up, it would ring again. I slowly got up out my bed since it was late at night and my mom was asleep. If someone was desperate enough to call at this hour then it must be of paramount importance.

When I tiptoed out the guest room I could hear the noise behind Colleen and Josh's closed bedroom door. I quickly opened it so I could get the squeaky door sound over with. I didn't want to wake them, they must be extremely exhausted especially to be able to sleep through that loud ringing noise.

The whole room was pitch black which made it easier to find the phone. It was lit up on their bedside table. To my surprise it was my phone rested there. As I began to walk toward my phone, my toe banged up against something hard.

"Sh-," I caught myself luckily so that I didn't awake Colleen and Josh in their deep slumber.

Biting my tongue to hold the pain back, I continued over to my phone being more careful this time. I snatched it up quickly and looked at the caller id.

Jai :-)

I ran out room, still holding my phone, and into the kitchen. I pressed the green accept call button to answer his call.

"Jai! What are you doing calling at this hour?"

There was a long pause but the sound of his breathing assured me he was still there.

"Ariana-," he started but exhaled heavily instead of finishing his sentence.

"Jai, why did you call?" I say in a stern tone, showing I was exhausted. "You should have something important to say since you're calling so late!"

"Ariana...," he drawled, "I can't go to sleep."

"Take some sleeping pills, Jai." I say angrily. He's calling at this hour to tell me he can't sleep. I'm trying to sleep!

"Ariana..," he slowly started again but did not finish.

"Jai, I'm tired! And I want to sleep so don't disturb me just because you can't sleep. That sounds like a personal problem." I say hanging up.

All of that and it was just Jai calling to tell me that. Wow that's very important! I quietly groan as I rest my elbows on the kitchen island. I massaged my temples in stress and then stand up.

I made my way to the refrigerator and grabbed a water bottle on the top shelf. I quietly groan again as I close the fridge. I find the light switch right next to the fridge and switch it on then make my way back to the island and onto the high chair that was placed there. As I take a sip from my water my phone lights up and buzzes. A buzz meant I had a text. I looked over to it.

Jai: Ari, I guess I'll text since I can't say it

Me: say what Jai???? Don't text me anything. I'm not texting you when it's 3 in the morning!

Jai: Ariana it's important.

Me: that means you CALLLL me doofus

Jai: doofus? 😂 lol

Me: call me if you have something to say. I'm not gonna text you .

I drank more water as I waited for Jai to call. In maybe about two minutes he called. I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I say as if asking a question.

"Hey, I really do have something important to say," Jai answers. "I cannot sleep."

"Yep you said that and I said that's a personal problem," I reminded him.

"Yes I know! But the reason why I can't sleep is...," he had a long pause.

"Talk or I hang up," I say impatiently.

"I can't sleep because I cant stop thinking about you!" He quickly lets out.

It was silent for a moment until he cleared his throat. I giggle quietly.

"Really Jai?"


"Still sounds like a personal problem," I giggle again. I know he was trying to be sweet but I could not hold back my laughter.

"Ariana, I love you," he whines.

I stop laughing and was quiet from shock. 'I love you' is something sincere, something special. You don't say it unless you're extremely serious, especially when you're a male. Should I say it back? Should I say nothing? Hang up?

"Jai...," I drawled out. Should I say it back! My hand was hovering over the red, end call button.

"Ariana?" Jai asks. I didn't know what to say. Do I even love him?

"I-I," I stutter, "I love you too." I say fast and then hang up.

I let out a puff of air and cover my face with the palm of my hands.

I love him?


Heyyyyy Palm trees🌴 I actually enjoyed writing this haha. Wasn't much happening in this chapter but I heard chapters should be at least 730 words and mine was 830 words so yas.

Please VOTE and COMMENT so I know you want this story to continue.

This story will be coming to an end soon. and I now have the perfect idea for another story omg. I hope you support me with that story even though it's not an Ariana Grande fanfic. I think I will start an Ariana grande fanfic again some day maybe this year. Don't miss it so make sure you follow me.

Thanks for reading ! Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Stay awkward🌴


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