"Oh hey you!"

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Amelia's POV

Friday afternoon
I completely ignored the guys yesterday, I couldn't handle the embarrassment. So instead I just hung out with Paris as much as I could.

Today I've only seen Wyatt once, he was acting weird. Well not any weirder than he normally is but he was stuttering over his words a lot.


"I-I need to t-tell y-you something later s-so just uh, y-you know w-what I'll come f-find you n-never m-mind." He nodded awkwardly before rushing off.


Now I'm at my locker waiting to see if I could talk to him before I leave school. I waited a few minutes before I saw Wyatt at the end of the hall with Harrison.

I walked down the hall toward them, "Hey guys!" I smiled.

Harrison smiled at me, "Hey Amelia sorry I can't talk right now I've gotta go, see you soon."

He patted Wyatt's back then pointed at me while walking away, "Have a good day alright." I nodded and gave him a wave.

Wyatt looked at me, "H-Hey."

I smiled, "Hi Wyatt." I cleared my throat before adding, "So uh you wanted to talk?"

His eyes widened, "I-I um oh yea I wanted to a-ask you something."

I nodded, letting him know to go on.
He took a deep breath, "A-Amelia I wanted to ask i-if you would go out with me." He mumbled the last bit.


"Will you go out with me? I-I think your nice and I wanna get to know you, m-more than a friend."

What the hell! Where's this coming from? I looked down at my feet, not knowing what to say.

"A-Amelia?" I looked back up, his eyes filled with sadness. God damn it, I don't wanna hurt his feelings.

"I'm sorry, I think we should just be friends." He bit his lip and looked away from me.

"Um y-yea that's probably for the best." He scratched his head.

"I'm really, really sorry Wyatt but I think you should be with someone that likes you back just as much as you like them." He nodded sadly.

Wyatt looked back to me, "I'm sorry for asking now everything's gonna be weird." He ran a hand through his hair, "God Amelia I'm so sorry."

I shook my head, "No, no don't be sorry it's alright. Okay?" Wyatt sighed and gave me a sad smile before nodding. I held my arms out, "Hug?"

Wyatt broke into a small laugh and nodded, stepping closer to me. I wrapped my arms around his back while he put his around my shoulders.

"You're a good guy." I whispered rocking us back and forth. Wyatt pulled away slowly.

"Have a good weekend Amelia." He stared at me for a moment before walking out of the school.

I stood silently for a few seconds before I started walking out as well, that was until I saw Tom a few feet in front of me. I maneuvered through the people in between us, linking our arms together.

"Oh hey you!" I smiled.

Tom looked down and smiled once he realized who it was, "Well hello my favourite Lia."

I tilted my head in slight confusion, "Uh I think I'm the only Lia you know."

Tom shrugged, "Yea true."

I laughed, hitting his arm playfully. While we were talking we had already made it out to the parking lot.

"Uh, Lia?" I nodded silently letting him continue, "Can I walk you home?"

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