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Amelia's POV

Surprisingly there weren't many people in the halls so it was fairly easy to find the front desk. We walked into the office and stood waiting until the woman at the front desk got off the phone.

The middle-aged woman greeted us politely, "Good morning you two!" She spoke happily.

"Morning ma'am I was wondering if you could give me and my brother the schedules for our classes? We're starting today and we haven't received them yet."

She nodded in understanding, "Yes of course, what's your last name?"

"Stewart." She nodded again, this time while typing something on the computer. A few seconds later she spoke again.

"Okay Levi Stewart and Amelia Stewart, your schedules are being printed as we speak." She rolled her chair away from the table and off to the side near the printer. She picked up two pieces of paper and rolled back over to us.

"Here you are lovely's and remember you can wear a black zip-up jacket or your sweater for the uniforms."

I grabbed the papers with my free hand and smile, "Thank you."

Levi and I walked out of the office right as a bell went off. I knew that meant we had to hurry.

"I'll walk you to your class." Levi nods as a way of saying thank you.

I followed the room numbers down the hall until we reached Levi's first-class, "Okay ask the teacher if this is the right room you're supposed to be in and if it is gimmie a thumbs up."

I moved my arm from around him and gave him his schedule, "Will do, thank you Millie love you."

I kissed his head, "I love you more buddy." He walked into his class and spoke to the teacher. After a few seconds he turned to the door and showed me his thumbs.

I gave him a smiled and held my thumbs up as well before walking back down the hall. Once I got closer to the senior area of the school I realized the classes over here hadn't started yet.

Levi turned 14 this year, he's in his first year of high school. Meaning his classes are in a different area than mine.

On the other hand I'm 16 turning 17 in a few months, but I'm in senior classes because at my old school I was in advanced classes. Since they don't have those here they put me in the grade above.

Does that mean I'll graduate early? I have no clue.

Some people turned to look at me while others didn't and continued doing whatever they were before I arrived. I saw a certain girl look at me with an unreadable expression she looked kinda angry.

She must be having a bad day.

I continued walking until I found my locker, it took a few tries to open but eventually I got it. I opened my bag and took out the books that my schedule said I would need for the morning.

I took out my phone and put my bag in my locker before closing it. I held my books and schedule in one hand while I held my phone in the other.

I walked around for a few more minutes until another bell rang just as I had found my classroom. I walked in and most of the students were there, seated patiently.

The teacher cleared his throat, "Good morning you must be uh..." He trailed off as he moved a few papers around his desk before picking up a stack and flipping through it.

"Stewart Amelia? Wait, no sorry." He chuckled at himself, "Amelia Stewart."

I smiled at the unorganized man that I would be calling my teacher for the year, "Yes sir."

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