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Amelia's POV

Monday morning
My face feels completely numb and don't even get me started with my eye. It feels like someone is ripping it out of its socket.

Yesterday Levi told me his friends said we could wear our own clothes today, thank god. The school does it every so often, today was my lucky day.

I wore a black hoodie with black leggings, so colourful I love it. My hair was out, pushed forward since my hood was up. I'm at my locker getting ready for the day.

Well I was before I got interrupted, like usual.

"Hola Princesa!" I immediately recognized the loud voice, "How are you Lia?"

I shrugged as Tom got closer, "Ooh nice glasses." He took them off my face playfully.

"Thomas!" I exclaimed while covering my eye and reaching for them, "Give it back now, p-please."

"Nope, I wanna wear these today." He said putting them on.

"Tom I need them now." I looked down and held my hand out, Tom placed his hand in mine.

"Aw yes I'll marry you Lia but wait until you get a real ring for me then ask again." I huffed and faced my locker again.

"Come on, let me see this pretty little face." Tom pulled my hand away from my face, turning me to face him. His playful expression immediately disappeared when he saw my face.

"What the fuck happened?"

"Nothing." I took the glasses off his face, putting them back on.

"Lia." He said, trying to be stern.

"I already told you it's nothing."

Tom rolled his eyes, "I'm taking you to the hospital after school."

I nudged his arm, "Stop talking."

"No your-"

"Can you stop it?" I looked around making sure no one was listening.

He grabbed my arm, "Fine then I'm taking you now, let's go."

I pulled away, "I already went, they can't help me."

"Well then let's go get you medicine or something, it looks horrible."

I shook my head and continued rummaging through my bag, I was rudely interrupted once again.

Tom grabbed my backpack from me, "Tom please." He pushed me out the way before putting all my books back in my locker. He put my backpack on and closed the locker.

"Let's go." He grabbed my hand and dragged me along with him.

"Tom I can't just leave!"

He shrugged, "Sure you can." Tom pushed open the side door and gestured outside, "Voila magic."

My eyes widened, "We're gonna sneak out?" He shrugged once again.

"Yea looks like it, after you m'lady." I shook my head, Tom rolled his eyes
and pulled me out the door with him.

Once we were by the sidewalk I mumbled, "I'm going to kill you."

Tom swung our arms back and forth between us, "I'd like to see you try."

He cleared his throat before continuing, "Coincidentally I parked my car down the street from the clinic this morning."

I stayed silent, I just want to get this over with.

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