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Amelia's POV

A few weeks later...

Thursday night
After Tom stayed at my house things were different, he's a lot more touchy. He doesn't like me being out of his sight and he's extra protective.

We've both gotten slightly more confident around each other, Tom more so than me but whatever. Aside from that, Christmas Eve is tomorrow night.

A few nights ago Tom told me he's taking me out for dinner tonight. No one else was home so I left the front door unlocked for him to come in while I got ready.

My hair was straight, reaching an inch or two below my mid-back. I had on diamond stud earrings, my bar pendant necklace, my gold watch and a few rings.

I couldn't wear a bra or else the dress would look weird so I went topless underneath my dress. I wore nude colour panties so you couldn't see my underwear line and I finished the look by stealing a pair of white heels from my mom's closet.

My natural nails were painted white. I'm almost done getting ready, just a few more finishing touches.

Tom's POV

I messaged Amelia letting her know that I was here. When she didn't answer I walked up to her front door. I knocked on the door before walking in even though I knew that her not answering meant that she was still getting ready.

I walked up to her room and silently pushed her door open. Amelia had on a baby pink, tight-fitted dress. It was a few inches above her knees, the bottom was cut diagonally.

It showed off every piece of her gorgeous body, her legs, her breasts. I mean come on her neck was begging to be marked. Especially her face, Amelia had little to no makeup on yet still looked perfect. (Photo at the top)

She looks like an absolute goddess.

Lia was looking into her phone camera, pulling the dress down a bit and tying it on the side. I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the door frame.

"Holy smokes."

Amelia's POV

I looked up and saw Tom in a black suit, his arms crossed over his chest. He stood up straight and rubbed his hands together as he walked towards me.

"We have reservations so we've gotta go." I looked away from him and turned off my phone. When I looked back at him he grabbed me, pressing me up against him. He held my lower back so I held onto his biceps.

"You." He pecked my lips.

"Look." Tom continued speaking in between each kiss.


He smiled, "Fucking perfect."

I kissed his nose, "Thanks we've gotta go don't we?"

"I don't know about you but I would stay here all night if I could, trust me."

Tom lifted his hand to my neck, gliding his thumb across my skin he leaned his forehead on mine.

"Your necklace is real pretty baby." He whispered with a cocky smirk.

"Thank you." I muttered, closing my eyes while I patiently waited to be kissed again. My chance was soon taken away as Tom moved entirely out of my hold.

"Let's go Lia!"

The light tingling feeling in my core disappeared, "You're rude."

He smiled and grabbed my phone, "Want me to hold it for you?"

"Please?" Tom nodded and slipped the phone into his pocket. He grabbed my hand and led me downstairs, out the door to his car. He opened the door for me, slapping my ass before I climbed in.

"Holland I'm gonna kill you." He walked around the front of the car with a smile, "I wish you would."

Twenty minutes later...

Tom and I walked into the restaurant a few moments ago. A waiter around our age immediately came up to us, "Hello, my name is Caleb how can I help you?"

Tom wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side, "Reservation for Holland."

Caleb pressed a few buttons on the screen in front of him before speaking, "Ah yes your right here." He looked up at us, clearly checking me out.

I cleared my throat as I felt uncomfortable. I tried to focus on Tom's arm around me. Tom moved his arm from around my waist, sliding it down to my ass. 

I'm for sure focused alright.

"My girl and I want a booth near the chandler." I didn't even notice this place had one until Tom pointed it out just now, my god this place must be really expensive.

I ignored the rest of the conversation between Tom and the waiter until we were seated. I nodded at Caleb as a thank you and looked around, admiring the chandler and beautiful interior of the building.

"Thanks for bringing me here." I smiled.

Tom put his hands on the table, reaching out to grab mine, "Thank you for being mine."

I smiled and let him intertwined our fingers, "Oh my goodness can we get cheesecake?" I blurted out as I realized they might have it.

Tom's POV

I nodded, "Of course Lia, you know you don't have to ask." Amelia brought our hands up to her face, she kissed my knuckles while using her free hand to look over the menu.

How did I get so unbelievably lucky?

She's the love of my life, I'm gonna marry her. Maybe in ten years time we could have a kid, multiple even. I might be getting ahead of myself but I know she's the one for me. I am never, ever taking this for granted.

Word count: 935

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