Another day

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Amelia's POV

Wednesday morning
Last night after I got that message I went to bed, I didn't even respond. Did I feel bad? Yea I did. But what was I gonna say, alright my prince?

Ew no that's weird.

I only had one class this morning and now I have two back-to-back free periods which I was not expecting at all, I also haven't seen Tom today.

I got my bag from my locker and wandered around outside. There was a gym class in session so I watched that from afar until my phone pinged.

Lee<3: I might be home a little late can you cover for me?

Amelia: Yea don't worry about it, I love you.

Lee<3: Love you to gotta go.

"Who ya texting?" I jumped at the voice.

"Damn it Tom I almost had a heart attack!"

He furrowed his eyebrows, "I'm sorry Lia I was just wondering."

"G-Give me a warning next time please."

"I said I was sorry jeez."

I put my phone in my pocket and crossed my arms, "W-What do you want?"

"I'm here to hang out with you."

"W-What do you mean?"

My god Amelia stop stuttering, why am I so nervous!

"I'm skipping my classes so we." Tom motioned between us, "Can have a good morning, until y'know you go back to class."

"Your gonna skip classes? Tom no go, go, go." I pushed his arms, signalling for him to leave.

Tom strategically grabbed both my arms, pulling them into his chest.

"No thanks, I like it here."

My face heated up again, my god.

"We should g-go sit somewhere else then." Tom let go of one of my arms slowly, keeping a light grip on my other wrist.

"Let's go then." He pulled me along next to him until we were behind the school. Tom let go of me so we could sit down across from each other.

"S-So what do you wanna do?" I asked quietly, picking the grass.

"I don't know this was a very sudden decision." I looked at him confused, "Well I mean like I asked you to be my friend quicker than I've asked anyone else so I don't know what to do."

"We can ask each other questions or just sit in silence? I don't know either."

"Alright, you go first."

I thought for a moment, "What's your favourite colour?"

"Blue, what's yours?"


Tom tilted his head, "Why?"

"My grandpa liked red and he was one of my favourite people so." I shrugged, "I just wanted to be like him."

It must've registered in Tom's brain that my grandpa had passed away, "Oh I'm sorry he's gone, were you two close?"

"Yea, we were." I said, hoping to wrap up the topic. Talking about it makes me cry.

"So do you uh have any siblings?"

"Three brothers." My eyes widened imagining what that would be like.

"Do you have any?"

"One brother."

Tom nodded, "We have that in common."

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