Degrade me

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*This chapter contains smut*

Tom's POV

Thursday night
Was I really about to do stuff with Amelia, my girlfriend, the girl I wanna marry one day? Yes I am and I'm so god damn excited.

"So are you gonna be a good girl for me then?" She nods, I smirked and kissed her jaw, "You better."

I climbed off of Amelia, standing up straight.

"Up baby." She stood off the bed, standing in front of me with her innocent eyes. Even without words she's begging me to fuck her.

My hands cupped her cheeks. I pressed my forehead against Amelia's, her hands slid down my chest, reaching the hem of my shirt. She tugged on it, closing her eyes she rubbed her nose against mine.

"You've got on too much clothes don't you think?"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Mhm it's very bad." She whispered, kissing my lips desperately. I raised my hands, allowing her to slide off my shirt. Our lips separated for a split second before Amelia connected them again.

She grabbed my hand, pulling it down to the bottom of her dress. I untied the bow that was resting on her thigh, pushing the fabric up to her waist I gripped her bare ass. Her thong disappeared in between her cheeks.

Her soft hands touched my chest once again, I shivered as they trailed up. One went to my shoulder as the other held the side of my jaw. She kissed my collar bone up to my neck licking, sucking and nibbling at my skin. I tilt my head to the left, allowing Amelia to gain more access.

I pulled my pants down, stepping out of them while Amelia left marks on my neck. I placed my hands on her ass, spanking her with both my hands. She whimpered into the kiss. My hands slid a bit farther down to the back of her thighs.

Amelia tilted my head back, kissing my Adam's apple, "Jump Lia." She raised one leg, wrapping it around my waist I pulled her other leg up. Letting me fully pick her up. I turned around and sat her on the edge of the desk, spreading her legs.

Amelia's POV

He pushed his hips into my open legs, my breath hitched at the sudden movement. I stopped focusing on Tom's neck, instead I focused my gaze between us.

Tom was practically naked while I was fully dressed. I pulled my dress up over my head, throwing it on the floor I sat up straight. My hands were planted by my sides as I held myself up straight.

I wrapped my legs around him pulling him close to me, "Kiss me Tommy."

Tom's POV

My girlfriend was almost completely naked, her bare top half was mesmerizing. One hand went down to her waist while the other cupped her breast, her smooth thighs rubbing against my skin.

I leaned down, brushing my lips against hers I licked her top lip, doing the same with her bottom lip before sliding my tongue into her mouth. Amelia tried to take control of the kiss but I didn't allow her.

She must've gotten offended and decided she was going to do something about it. Amelia placed a hand on my chest, the other sliding down, running her fingers along the hem of my boxers before sliding her hand in them.

Amelia's POV

I grabbed his semi-hard cock and began jerking him off. Tom sucked in a breath, resting his head in the crook of my neck. He moved his hand off my breast, placing it on the wall behind me to steady himself.

"Feels good doesn't it?"

"Fuck yes Lia." He bit down on the skin right above my collar bone, trying to stay quiet.

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