Amelia's POVFriday afternoon
"Are you kidding me Amelia? You and Tom are ridiculous, just tell us what happened!""Yea I'm with Paris on this one and every future argument on this." Wyatt interjected.
"Sorry I don't agree."
"HARRISON!" Paris and Wyatt yelled at the same time causing almost everyone in the cafeteria to look over at us curiously.
"Well, I just think it's their business. If they want to tell us they will." Harrison explained trying to reason with them.
Paris rolled her eyes throwing a grape across the table, clearly aiming at Harrison's face. Since he was sat next to me it hit me instead so Paris threw another one that he caught in his mouth, making her even angrier.
She huffed, "One day you guys are being weird and then next you're back to normal. What the hell is that all about?"
Before I could speak she continued, "You two barely hang out with us anymore, we're very confused and lonely."
"We weren't being weird and I'm sorry you guys feel that way but nothing happened. We're alright we just g-got closer."
Paris gave me a skeptical look, "I promise." She shook her head and rolled her eyes in disbelief.
Tom mumbled, "You guys are crazy." Before taking a large bite of his burger. I moved my hand and sneakily tried to steal a fry from him. I got the fry but was not successful with being sneaky.
I looked at Tom and shrugged, "You don't know if you're hungry?" I shook my head causing him to let out a small chuckle.
"Want some?" Tom asked, gesturing to his sandwich. I gave him a slight nod. He smiles, lifting the burger to my mouth. I took a bite and nodded once again, this time as a thank you.
Paris groans before speaking once again, "See what I mean! You guys are so cute it makes me wanna throw up and kill myself."
Harrison laughs, "That was a little dramatic."
"Says you, grape man." Paris sassed.
"Hey! I caught that grape."
"Exactly you weirdo."
Word count: 352

Good Boys
Romance16-year-old Amelia's mom gets a promotion at her job, meaning her family has to move. She didn't want to leave and neither did her brother, but her father made it very clear they have to accept it or there would be consequences. What happens when he...