Saiouma Drabble #1

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I'm not writing this so have drabble and I most likely will keep writing drabbles for some time.

Professor Shuichi being done with life because a certain grape haired professor keep proclaiming his love for the other.

So one day there was a sudden physics quiz in which is


[Physics Pop Quiz] {10 points}

: If you encounter a crazed grape gnome who proclaims his love for you, calculate the amount of force you have to use to push a gremlin away from you and run to the opposite side of campus.

[Bonus marks if you can identify said "crazed grape gnome" and convince him to leave your physics professor alone]


And then a building away there is the infamous Kokichi Ouma, the professor thats so laid back that you wonder how he's even hired. And what's worse is that Kokichi actually realized he has to do his job and hands a pop quiz of his own.


[Economics Pop Quiz] {10 points}

: You meet a hot, sexy, emo professor that you swear is your soulmate and you only have  500 yen remaining in your wallet. Devise an economic date based on the current market values of commodities.

P.S. If I don't manage to score this date, I'm failing all of you 😩🥺


Now obviously, both of their students were hyped about this because, this is classic campus drama happening and a relationship between the calm and collected physics teacher Shuichi Saihara and Kokichi "I totally did not ask my students to help me set up for a date because I've never went on a date myself" Ouma will be quite the entertainment. But maybe it was their own fault for encouraging this because the next quiz they got from their beloved teachers were these, separately of course.


[Physics Pop Quiz] {10 points}

: You overhear a reincarnated grape (who begged you to be his boyfriend and made a nuisance of himself by waking up the entire apartment building, because he wouldn't stop trying to break down you door until you said yes) flirt with some cafe waiter.

Calculate the speed you have to have a car run you over so that you will be reduced to a smush on the sidewalk, while also avoiding having said driver be caught, because you hired them to do that and not want them to get caught. And this is not because you're jealous or anything.


And a day later, the students weren't surprised when Kokichi made them all sit down and have another pop quiz.

"These are very important as a reminder to all you bitches, dicks, and nonbinary hoes for what's to come in the real world." was what the students remember when Kokichi introduced that day's "pop quiz"


[Economics Pop Quiz] {10 points}

: You are not being supplied with enough attention by your new boyfriend, so you make your demands for more, only to be greeted by him not letting you into his apartment. The next day, you devise a plan to make your boyfriend jealous so he'd consider your demands, but it only ends up with you having to save his hot ass from being ran over.

Devise a supply-and-demand model that you will net the same result of met demands. that will result in your boyfriend peppering you in kisses, without the involvement of emergency rooms.


Plans of suicide aside, the students let out a sigh of relief to see that both of the professors  were just sitting beside eachother the following day, with the shorter one covered in bandages to make him a somewhat walking mummy and feeding eachother.

Though they never expected the next thing to be dropped by their physics teacher.


[Physics Pop Quiz] {100 points}

: A crazy child in the body of an adult has robbed all of your makeup supplies

Calculate which is the faster option to ending yourself

(a) by jumping out of your 12th floor apartment wndow

(b) sacrifice yourself to Atua


and a day later there was a pop quiz from Economics


[Economics Pop Quiz] {100 points}

:Present an argument of how a box of Panta contains more value than a whole season of Detective Conan and an emo hat

P.S. If the answer doesn't manage to convince my beloved to let me back inside of his home and most importantly, his bed. I'm failing all of you 😊


The students were about to off themselves, because their grades were constantly on the line no matter how hard they try. So you could guess how the felt by the time graduation rolled around with some barely scratching their way to graduation.

Btw you can answer some of these if you want and I can say what the outcome was.

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