Yule Ball

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So- I'm too lazy to write all of this, but basically Shuichi gets chosen to be a champion in the Triwizard tournament and bing bam boom, we got Yule ball and this is basically what this whole plot is.

Kokichi will be in Slytherin and Shuichi will be in Gryffindor


"So, who are we wanting to ask out for the Yule Ball?" asked Kaede, opening up the chocolate frog container to get a taste for the sweet. Shuichi shrugged in all honesty, he was still in shock after the first trial in which a dragon nearly burned all of his clothes off, but he still was able to get a hold of the egg despite him just being left in his undergarments.

Though luckily, Kokichi was able to lend him his invisibility cloak so no one was able to see the gryffindor leave the area. In all honesty, Shuichi was surprised that the staff in the school were allowing the trickster to keep that cloak that was lended from his father. Though, even if Shuichi didn't want to say it outloud, he had to admit that their headmaster, Makoto, was kind of a pushover and a bit of an egghead.

"Uh... I guess I'll tell you if you tell me who you are going to ask." said Shucihi, picking at the roast beef that was in front of him and Kaede rested her arms onto her Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook."I really feel like asking out Miu, you know that horny girl from Ravenclaw?" pointed at Kaede and Shuichi let out a nervous laugh."Yeah I know, I have her in my muggle studies class. She's... an interesting person." said Shuichi, trailing off.

"So who are you going to ask?" asked Kaede and Shuichi thought for a moment. During his thinking, he felt his eyes stray towards the other side of the room where a familiar boy with purple hair was sitting with some other Slytherins."Well... I feel like asking out Kok-" mumbled Shuichi, but was cut off by a booming voice.

"Hey sidekick!" exclaimed Kaito as he slid beside the 2 students."Ah, hey Momota-kun." said Shuichi, in a quiet voice, still taken aback by the boy being able to adjust his volume to become louder than a howler."Guess what!" exclaimed Katio and Kaede raised an eyebrow."What?" asked Kaede.

"I was finally able to ask that girl from the other school, and she said yes!" said Kaito and Kaede started congratulating him."Maki was it?" asked Shuichi and Kaito nodded, making Kaede squeal."I always wanted to be friends with her! Her hair's so pretty!" exclaimed Kaede and Kaito nodded in agreement."So, who's going to be the lucky girl that you are going to ask?" asked Kaito, clapping his hands together.

"Boy actually...." corrected Shuichi and Kaito nodded."Um... I feel like asking Kokichi." said Shuichi, scratching his cheek and Kaito's face twisted into a surprised look."THAT little shit? The same one who put a curse on me during Potions?" asked Kaito, raising an eyebrow."Y-yes?" said Shuichi, but it came off more than a question since he couldn't really remember that since he had flown to the other side of the room, because many people were just shooting spells for the heck of it and Professor Togami just didn't feel like dealing with misbehaving children that day.

"Man, well best of luck to you then." said Kaito, patting the back of the navy-haired male."Ah, thanks..." mumbled Shuichi and Kaito nodded."So, how do you plan on confessing?" asked Shuichi, pointing at Kaede."Uh.... So like, I already sent her a letter, but I didn't realize that it was a howler." said Kaede, looking away embarrassed. And as if it was a coincidence, at the Ravenclaw table there was a large scream asking Miu to go out with her from Kaede's voice.

Shuichi looked over the heads and saw that the inventor was speechless for the first time before erupting into a blush."Well I think she likes it." joked Shuichi and Kaede mumbled a small shut up."Seems like we need to get ready to get to our first class. See you everyone." said Kaito, waving his hand and the two waved back."Oh god, this is going to be so embarrassing during Muggle Studies. I have that class WITH her!" exclaimed Kaede, covering her blushing face with her hood as she fidgeted her red tie with gold stripes, making Shuichi let out a pity laugh.

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