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I don't have any angst ideas, so have another fluff

{Captain!Kokichi x Shuichi}

Shuichi was a detective, and considering that he was trained under the famous Kyoko Kirigiri, when he was done with his training, he was swarmed with work requests. Obviously Shuichi wasn't the type to say no, so he took every job request, following in his sensei's footsteps. Though, he didn't expect this much work. Yeah, he's widely known for great achievements, but that doesn't mean that he could barely even have to schedule himself a well deserved vacation.

Hell, it took him 3 months to be able to have time to find a place for his vacation to be held, and he would also have to go under a fake name since he didn't want to be swarmed by so many people when he arrived there, since he's known internationally. He decided to book a random boat, since the detective wasn't much of an airplane person, and cruises had much better food than the airline even if that means that he'll be on the boat longer.

The cruise was relaxing, S.S. D.I.C.E was definitely a good idea to be in, considering that the staff was nice. Shuichi was able to kick back and relax as the summer rays plastered all over his face while staff members rushed around to see if the surrounding people were comfortable. It was nice for once, Shuichi no longer had to worry about any murder cases or fake cases in which parents would call him, because their housecat went missing for the 50th time this year.

Well, everything was enjoyable until Shuichi met Kokichi, the captain of the ship. Kokichi was a menace, and would constantly pop his head, and the male definitely didn't know the definition of privacy and personal space. He would come into Shuichi's room without knocking, scaring the everliving lights out of Shuichi. And Kokichi would just smile like he owned this ship, which wasn't that far from the truth considering the fact that he was the captain.

With the purple-haired male being introduced, Shuichi's vacation was bound to be ruined. He couldn't even relax since he was constantly paranoid if one day the smaller male would appear in one of his bathroom cabinets, since Shuichi one time walked in on Kokichi easily slipping into a gym locker to go inside his cave that was just filled with carbonated drinks, candy, and a few spicy food.

For the next few days, Shuichi would be constantly pestered by the childish captain, which he wondered how the ship was still steering, completely oblivious from the fact that the assistant captain was out for Kokichi's blood whenever he would ditch his position to just go and flirt with the captain. Every proposal to have a lovely night under the stars was coldly shot down by the taller male.

Each flirty comment, made Shuichi leave the other male in the empty room, and Shuichi was just as persistent and determined as Kokichi. Considering, Shuichi's one goal now was not to have a nice vacation on the cruise, but to avoid Kokichi as much as possible. Though one day Shuichi didn't see a stray purple head pop around the ship. Shuichi was suspicious of this, because Kokichi always seems to be the type to annoy someone until he got what he wanted. And what he wanted from Shuichi was to have a romantic date.

His suspicions were soon correct when the intercom came on and the voice of the man, who Shuichi unwillingly learned was Kokichi Ouma's voice. Shuichi decided to tune out anything that came out of the childish boy's face. Since it was an intercom message, he assumes it to be important, but he can ask a staff member anyway. Though Shuichi was dead wrong.

"Attention: thots and simps, and any other equally important people on board, this is your captain speaking. Unless you're a cute, awkward, emo, famous detective that looks like Shuichi Saihara, please disregard this message." Shuichi suddenly felt all eyes on him, because he was the only person who fit the last 2 descriptions, and considering the fact that Shuichi had his signature golden eyes, Shuichi, well him being Shuichi, he had those signature golden eyes as well. Shuichi spat out his capri sun while that attracted more eyes towards him. He then heard Kokichi let in a deep breath.


Complete silence hung over all of the people that were staring at the intercom, then to Shuichi, and then back. Shuichi sighed, flipped his book, took another sip from his half-finished capri sun, before saying "No."

That was obviously not the correct answer when the ship's captain just announced that unless the detective agreed to a date with him, he'd allow a ship harboring thousands of people to crash and sink, potentially killing all of them. Or in other words, replay that scene from the Titanic, but instead of Rose and Jack, it was an emo detective and a captain desperate for his approval to go on a romantic date.

That's probably why everyone was surrounding Shuichi, yelling and pleading with him to agree to Kokichi's wishes. And Shuichi knew perfectly well that this was all according to Kokichi's infamous plan for the male to go out with him, but he didn't want to give Kokichi the satisfaction. Kokichi just declared war, and Shuichi wasn't going to back out and lose.


"Don't care."

"You'll die too!"


"Stop being selfish!"

"I saved many families, this is MY vacation time. So I think I deserve to be a little selfish."

"We'll ban you from the library."


:Time Skip

"Isn't this such a fine evening Saihara-chan?"


Kokichi giggles as he plays with his utensils, obviously deciding to ignore Shuichi's sour mood when people threaten to not allow him to enter the library, the one place where Shuichi held so dearly to him. Sure, this was only one date, Shuichi, unlike Kokichi decided to not put any effort in his clothing, having only tucked a hair behind his ear to look at least fancy a little bit.

This was definitely not what Shuichi imagined his first date to be. He was a bit of a romantic and imagined him going on a date with a beautiful girl or handsome man, on a fancy dinner date, but here he was, at the top of the boat that has the best view of the stars, even though it wasn't allowed for non-staff to be up here. Even if Shuichi didn't want to admit it, he was kind of attracted to Kokichi, but all that attraction was swooped off when he did that embarrassing intercom announcement that landed him into this position.

Shuichi thought Kokichi was going to bring them on a mini dinner date like you know, inside the restaurant. But Kokichi insisted that it was too normal for his liking, and wanted it to be special for his dumpling, or really it was just the name Shumai, but shumai was also the name of a chinese dumpling that Shuichi once tried while on his trip to Fuzhou for a case.

"I'm pretty dependable aren't I?" asked Kokichi. Shuichi would beg to differ, considering the fact that Kokichi seemed to enjoy neglecting his captain duties such as directing the ship."I doubt that." said Shuichi and Kokichi let out a dramatic gasp."Excuse me?! Saihara-chan, if you don't know, I was able to keep my goldfish, Guppy, alive for 3 days. I think that's a world record!" exclaimed Kokichi, and Shuichi couldn't help but laugh a little bit from the show that Kokichi was putting on.

It was less annoying, knowing that the other passengers weren't staring at him.

Their date was simple, after eating, Kokichi taught Shuichi how to navigate and the different constellations that littered the night sky. Hell, the captain brought a telescope with My Little Pony stickers decorated all over them. Shucihi was about to question the design, but Kokichi simply stated that his assistant captain was a huge brony.

At the end of the night, Kokichi had gotten lap privileges and was relaxing in Shuichi's lap while Shuichi was playing with the strands of hair that gave a middle finger towards gravity. Maybe this won't be as bad as it seems.

:🍥: ➢ 𝙰 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑 (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚖𝚊 𝚘𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜)Where stories live. Discover now