Phantom and Detective

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{Phantom Thief Swap AU}

Shuichi put his whole body weight onto the glass window, shattering the glass into tiny pieces, before instantly grabbing his grappling hook from his utility belt and shooting it. It hooked onto a nearby building ledge and he felt his whole body fly up there onto the roof with the wind blowing against his black cape. He then heard the familiar footsteps of a familiar detective.

"Man, Saihara-chan is really wanting me to work so much doesn't he?" cooed Kokichi, giving the thief a smirk. Shuichi let out an annoyed sigh before asking "Why can't you just go and chase after a different thief, aren't you like a world-known detective?" Kokichi giggled and then said "Well I want to only chase after my beloved." Shuichi heard the helicopter blades whirling above him as he looked up and saw that Kokichi had sent backup.

"C'mon Shumai! I want to catch you~" sang Kokichi as he got in a ready position to chase after the thief. Shuichi frowned before turning around and then dashing away from Kokichi. He didn't know how long they'd been jumping over rooftops, but Shuichi finally was able to see his escape when he passed a bulletin board.

Shuichi looked at the moon and then saw the detective giving his typical smile at the phantom thief. It was cute to Shuichi on how determined Kokichi was to catch the phantom thief, but Shuichi didn't feel like spending some time in prison. He pushed off those feelings knowing that they were just mere distractions as he saw Kaede pull over the limo. Shuichi unclipped the smoke bomb from his belt and threw it at the detective.

Shuichi noticed how Kokichi froze, as he jumped off of the bulletin board and then onto the roof of the limo. He held onto the handle of the trapdoor that was on the roof of the limo as Kaede, drove away from where their last position was. Shuichi's grip on the bag of stolen items tightened as he was desperate to not let all of the items in it go. He decided it was best for him to make himself comfortable with all the stolen goods he has taken from corrupted politicians inside of the vehicle than just hanging out on the roof and risking any gold bars making a hole and then hitting the face of an unsuspecting individual.

Even if Shuichi was a criminal, he didn't condone murder since it violated his moral code. He sighed as he threw the bag of riches inside of the limo before jumping in as well and making him comfortable on the velvet cushions of the seats that were inside."So, what happened today? You were more late than usual." said Kaede, looking over her shoulder at the thief."I got held back by Kokichi." sighed Shuichi, taking off his mask and unclipping his cape. Honestly, what was really the point of Shuichi wearing the mask, Kokichi already saw what Shuichi looked like because the thief slipped up on accident, yet he still hasn't reported that to the authorities.

'Probably for blackmail.' thought Shuichi as he ruffled his hair, while he heard his teammate giggle."To be honest, I think you should really quit this whole thief thing." said Kaede and Shuichi raised an eyebrow."Well where else can I go? I was kicked out of college because of a false positive and no one would hire me considering my background." said Shuichi."Well maybe Kokichi could help. It's obvious that you like him, plus quitting the thief life can not only bring peace to your life, you can also become closer to your crush~" sang Kaede as she turned the corner.

Shuichi laughed and said "You're still on about that. Kaede, you already know that I'm too invested into this business to just suddenly drop everything because of some feelings." Kaede hummed and said "Well the authorities are stupid and weren't able to recognize your voice, besides Kokichi always addressed you as pet names and well that completely threw every officer off."

"What do you mean by that?" asked Shuichi."They ended up arresting a person that was actually named Shumai." said Kaede, letting out a sigh and Shuichi made an awkward nod to that sentiment."C'mon Shuichi, I'm honestly getting tired of this whole stealing business that we do." complained Kaede and Shuichi looked away. This made the pianist sigh and said "I guess it's not my place to make you change your mind. Just think about it." She dropped Shuichi off at his apartment before racing off into the distance.

:Time Skip

Shuichi looked at his phone as he was awaiting Kaede to finish typing whatever she was going to type. He was on a heist again from another politician, but this time it was different, the detective that would usually chase the thief was now gone. And well, even if Shuichi didn't want to admit it, he felt a pang of sadness hit his heart, hard.

When he plopped a seat inside of the limo, he was experiencing a load of self-doubt.'Had Kokichi finally become done with me?' thought Shuichi.'Am I that boring? I mean I was the one who told him to go and he did just that. So shouldn't I be happy that I'm no longer dealing with him?' thought Shuichi as he rubbed the temples of his head and let out a groan.

This caught the blonde's attention as she turned around and raised an eyebrow."What's wrong? You didn't get your daily pet name from your boyfriend?" teased Kaede and Shuichi let out a sigh."For the last time Kaede, he's not my boyfriend, more like my arch-nemesis. And it's because he wasn't there today." said Shuichi, letting out a huff.

"Hm, that's weird. He seems to be the kind of person to jump at the mention of your name." said Kaede, putting a hand to her mouth."We should probably not dwell into it too much." said Kaede and Shuichi did a small nod before looking off listless at the passing trees.

:Time Skip

The next few days had an absence of Kokichi and by that time it had been a whole week since Shuichi had confronted the detective. Shuichi just became more unmotivated after the third day of the boy's absence. Even with Kaede's pestering and even his own thoughts telling him, Shuichi wouldn't admit the fact that he just went on these heists just to see the purple-haired boy chase after him. It was certainly a fun game of cat and mouse that always gave the phantom thief an adrenaline rush, but now there was a large lack of it.

"Shuichi are you sure that you want to do another one? It's been 7 days since he left." said Kaede, giving the male a worried expression and Shuichi nodded."He should be there. I know it, he wouldn't try catching me for over a week." said Shuichi as he threw the cape on and Kaede nodded before starting up the vehicle.

:Time Skip

Shuichi looked around as he held the bag in a firm grip. He was awaiting the detective's arrival and after waiting for around 10 minutes, he let out a sigh."He's not coming today either." mumbled Shuichi, he was about to leave when he heard a familiar sing-songy voice."Oh Saihara-chan~" sang the voice, even if it came off as ominous, Shuichi couldn't help but run towards the male and give him a big hug.

The detective was taken aback by this and let out a snicker."My, has Shumai become clingy on me. Maybe I should go on longer vacations." teased Kokichi as he poked the phantom thief's cheek making the thief look away in embarrassment which made the boy let out an amused laugh.

"Nishishi~ so, Saihara-chan. Are you ready to go and do another game?" asked Kokichi as he grabbed the bag that Shuichi left on the floor and gave it to the thief."Yes. Yes I am." said Shuichi, taking the bag before dashing towards the nearest window and breaking it with the detective following behind with a smirk.

:🍥: ➢ 𝙰 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑 (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚖𝚊 𝚘𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜)Where stories live. Discover now