He asks you to move in - Preference

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I decided to do a preference, I'm sorry for the late update but I went to see the script on Saturday and it was amazing!


"Y/N?" Liam asked suddenly as you sat on the sofa, quietly watching a film.

"Yeah?" You mumbled, still absorbed in the movie you were watching.

"Well, I've been thinking and you know like you stay over a lot? Well... I was wondering if you'd consider staying maybe a lot longer..." He trailed off, nervously.

You looked up at him to see him looking at you nervously, his beautiful brown eyes holding a glint of hope.

"What do you mean?" You asked, not quite sure where he was going with this.

"How would you like to move in?" He asked before taking a deep breath.

"Really? Well I'd love to move in with you." You smiled as he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, shall we go get the rest of your stuff tomorrow?" He asked and you looked at him, shocked at his excitement.

"Oh, sorry, too soon." He muttered and you laughed.

"Tomorrow's fine." You smiled, cuddling into him as you turned your attention back to the TV.

"What do you think about living with me one day?" Zayn asked as you both cuddled in the fort you had built.

"I think that would be amazing." You said honestly as you smiled up at him.

"How soon would you say you'd be willing to move in?" He asked, avoiding eye contact as you looked up at him.

"What are you getting at?" You asked, raising your eyebrows.

"Would you like to move in with me?" Zayn offered as he looked up at you, a slight smile on his lips.

"Yes Zayn, I think I would." You smiled as he leaned in to kiss you.

"I was hoping you'd say that." He smirked, wrapping his arms around you.

You laughed at one of Louis' stories about him pranking one of the boys earlier that day as he suddenly stopped laughing and turned to look at you with a serious expression on his face.

"Move in with me?" He asked, suddenly.

You look at him shocked as you process what he had just asked you, sitting up straight as you looked at him with an equally serious expression.


"Of course, I want nights like this every night, not just whenever we plan them." He said, sheepishly.

"We have these nights every week." You smile and he nods.

"I know, but what if I want them every day?" He asks, hopeful.

"Then it's a good job I feel the same way," you said, quietly as Louis grinned.

"So you'll move in?" He asked happily.

"Yes." You giggled as he leaned in and kissed you all over your face, causing you to squeal and move away from him.

"I love you." He mumbled as he placed his face into the crook of your neck.

"I love you too." You sighed in satisfaction. Happy with the way things were going.

"Stay the night?" Niall asked as you had gotten up to leave once again.

"Niall I've been here a week now, I need to get back home," you told him as he shook his head.

"Can't you just get some more things and come back?"

"Niall, I need to study, I won't get anything done being here." You laughed and he looked away sadly.

"Wouldn't you ever consider moving in?" He asked nervously, biting his nails in anticipation and your eyes widened at his question.

"Well, yes I would but, you wouldn't want to live with me all the time." You laughed as he looked up at you.

"Yes I would Y/N, there's not a day goes by when I don't wish you were here and having you here this week has made me want you here all the time. Please? At least think about it?" He pleaded.

"Okay, I'll think about it, but I'm going home for a few days so I can think it through." You told him and he smiled.

"Okay, text me." He smiled kissing you as you left.

After closing the door behind you, you knew your answer would be yes.

"Will you move in with me?" Harry blurted out, his eyes widening as he realised what he had said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud but I did want to ask you at some point." He explained and you laughed nervously.

"You want to move in with me?" You asked, surprised.

"Yes I do. I've been thinking about it for the past month and I really do want you to move in, we've been together for a while now and I feel like it's the right time, but only if your ready." He said, fumbling with the buttons on his shirt as he toyed with them nervously.

"I am, but I just didn't expect this." You admitted.

"I love you, plus your here most of the time anyway," he said and you smiled.

"I love you too and I'd love to move in with you." You told him and he pulled you into his chest gently, kissing your forehead.

"This is going to be amazing," he smiled.

I'm currently writing a Harry imagines book and I'm continuing with this book and then after this book has ended I will be doing a Niall imagines book so please be patient <3

I will be quite sad when this book ends because I've had a lot of reads, votes and comments on it and I am grateful to everyone who reads and leaves feedback on these imagines :)



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