Disaster at home - Niall Imagine

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I'm trying to make my imagines more cute, Is it working? :)


"Are you sure you can manage to look after yourself, all alone, in this house, all day?" I asked Niall before I headed to work.

"Y/N, seriously? Of course I'll be fine! I can look after myself." He scoffed.

I raised my eyebrows at him and he sighed.

"Alright I know I made a mess of the kitchen last time and almost burnt the house down, but that's not going to happen this time." He reassured, although I still had a bad feeling about this.

"Really? What makes you so sure?" I challenged.

"I'm more aware of what could go wrong, so I'm more careful." He explained, seriously.

"Okay, okay." I held my hands up defensively.

"I'll see you later." I smiled, kissing him softly.

"See you later princess," he grinned. I kissed him one last time before going to work.


I can't believe today. Firstly, I got to work late and was shouted at. Secondly, I was asked to get everyone coffee and as soon as I headed out it was raining and I didn't bring my coat that had a hood so, of course, I got soaked. Thirdly, I'd had to work an extra hour overtime and now I was stuck in traffic.

My phone buzzed and I pulled my phone out to reveal 2 texts from Niall. I must've been so caught up in my phone I didn't notice the first text going off.

"Hey Y/N,where are you? There's been a bit of a problem at home, but don't worry! I haven't burnt the house down;) love you.x"

"Baby are you okay? I'm worried now, your 2 hours late, please tell me everything's okay? :( xx"

I began to type back and ended up accidentally pressing send when I'd only typed the word 'everything's fi'. I groaned in frustration at my phone. I hate when this happens.

I continued to type until my phone suddenly turned off.

"Great." I muttered to myself as I sat in traffic which was moving extremely slowly.


After another hour later I finally step through the door only to have Niall running up to me, like he was racing.

"Oh ni, I'm sorry, I was stuck in traffic and when I was trying to text you my phone sent you the beginning of the message, because I accidentally pressed send and then my phone ran out of charge so I couldn't text you." I rambled.

"I know, you text me saying 'everything's fi' what does fi mean?" He joked and I playfully slapped his arm.

"Anyway what have you done?" I asked, my expression turning serious as I remembered him texting me about something going wrong.

"Actually you've done me a favour by being late, although I wasn't expecting you this late." He laughed as he pulled me towards the kitchen.

"I had to work an extra hour for being late this morning," I sighed.

"Aw, my poor baby." He cooed as he pulled my into the kitchen.

"Now I tried to cook you something so we could have a romantic meal, being careful of course, but then I burnt everything," he explained.

"Including my finger," he added, holding up his index finger on his right hand to show a plaster, lopsidedly, covering it.

"You need to adjust your plaster ni, it looks like it's about to fall off." I laughed at his failed attempt to put a plaster on.

"I know, but you can do that for me," he winked and I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"But you being late meant I could go out quickly, buy a recipe book and put together a very nice meal." He explained, proudly, taking our meal out of the oven.

"Ni! You made my favourite meal!" I exclaimed, it had actually turned out amazing.

"Yes I did, because you deserve it." He smiled leading me to the table.

"That was amazing, Niall." I said, truthfully, after we had finished our meal.

"I know, I thought so too." He winked and I laughed.

After talking for a while he led me to the sofa, where we sat and cuddled for the rest of the night.

"Thank you for cooking for me Ni, you really didn't have to, especially after I worried you." I smiled, letting him know I appreciated it.

"No problem babe and you know the cooking really took my mind off you for a while." He grinned, cheekily and I pouted.

"Aw no but Y/N baby it did make me worry more once I'd finished, because that's when I really realised how long you'd been gone." He said making me smile.

"Good, I like to keep you on your toes." I joked, laughing.

"Can you please mend my plaster now?" He asked, holding up his finger.

"Um... Where is it?" I asked, trying not to laugh as he looked back at his finger where the plaster was gone.

"Oops, It must have fell off." He chuckled.

"I'll go get you a new one." I said, rolling my eyes playfully as I went downstairs and into the kitchen, pulling out the plasters from the cabinet and going back upstairs.

I entered Niall and my shared bedroom and took a plaster out of the packet, ripping it from it's cover and carefully placing it over Niall's cut.

"Kiss it better?" Niall pouted and I couldn't believe how cute he was sometimes, he was just irresistable.

I leant down and placed a gentle kiss on his finger before going to put the plaster packet on the side.

Niall began to laugh uncontrollably and I turned around, furrowing my eyebrows.

"What? What are you laughing at?" I asked, now subconscious.

"Look...a-at, y-your foot." He breathed between laughs as he pointed, aimlessly at my foot.

I looked down to see Niall's plaster stuck to my foot.

"Ew! Niall! I don't want your manky plaster stuck to my foot! Get it off." I panicked, lifting my foot up onto the bed so Niall could take it off.

He calmed down a bit, before pulling it from my foot, only to dangle it in front of my face.

"Niall! Put it in the bin!" I exclaimed, laughing.

"It's only being on my finger, you wimp." He joked as he got up to put it in the bin.

"I don't care, it doesn't mean I want your plasters stuck to me." I crinkled my nose up.

"I love you princess." He smiled as he walked back towards me, leaning down and placing a kiss on my lips.

"I love you too Niall." I smiled as he kissed me again.

The best part about Niall is, he doesn't even need to try to cheer me up after a hard day, he naturally does it, which is one of the many reasons I love that boy.


Sorry if it dragged on a bit, but I had this idea and I was just imagining it to be cute<3

Happy 21st birthday to Liam! I can't believe he's 21 already, and Niall is 21 next month:'( I'm just not ready for any of this:'(


I don't know if 'manky' is a word, I don't think it is and my mum says it's not, I guess I'm just really stupid but I couldn't think of another word that went as well:/



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