Zayn Imagine: Embarrassment

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"I'm really sorry I'm late! I won't be long!" I said, desperately, hanging up the phone.

My boss is annoyed at me right now for being late for an important photo shoot. Having to get up early to model is actually proving hard for me.

I rushed into the studio, desperate for the loo.

I came out of the bathroom, probably looking quite flustered because of how much of a rush I was in to get into my modelling room.

I walked down the corridor, bumping into someone on the way.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was... Uh hi" I said nervously as I looked up to be met with a pair of beautiful brown eyes.

He was gorgeous. He had his black hair swept back into a quiff, stumble evident on his face and a beautiful smile to go with it, placing his tongue behind his teeth as he smiled. He had a mysterious look about him.

"Hello, there love, it's alright,you okay?" He spoke, his voice making me melt.

"Uh...yeah I'm fine thanks, just in a rush that's all." I laughed, nervously as I began to walk away, still looking at him. Admiring his features. He looked familiar.

I smiled at his friends before turning around and beginning to walk away.

I ran down the corridor towards the room my photo shoot was in when I heard someone running behind me.

"Wait!" The mysterious boy from before called.

I turned around only to be met with his beautiful brown eyes again as he grabbed my arm, making my breath hitch.

"What?" I asked, insecurely.

"You have toilet paper stuck to your foot." He explained.

I looked at my foot, "oh...oops." I laughed embarrassed.

He reached down to my foot,pulling off the toilet paper and laughing.

"You were clearly in a rush, don't be embarrassed." He smiled sincerely.

"Yeah, I have to go to my photo shoot, sorry, I have to go, thanks for telling me." I smiled back, finding the situation awkward.

"Hey, what's your name?" He asked, just before I rushed away again.

"Y/N, and you are?"

"Zayn. Me and my friends are here for a photo shoot too, were one direction." He explained.

"I thought you looked familiar." I laughed and he smiled wider.

"You probably didn't notice because you were in a rush."

"Your very understanding." I told him.

"Thank you. I try to be." He grinned, his beautiful smile.

"Your gorgeous too." I admitted, without thinking.

I immediately felt a blush form on my cheeks. "I-I mean, that didn't mean to come out like that, it's, I-"

"It's alright Y/N, I think your absolutely beautiful." He smiled, my name rolling off his tongue.


"So can I have your number?" He smirked, winking.

"Maybe." I flirted.

"Y/N! What are you doing? Your already late!" Your boss shouted, walking over to you.

"Oh, I see you've met Zayn, well hurry up and be in the photo shoot, we need you soon." She smiled, winking at you before walking away.

"Actually you can have my number, seeing as you just got me out of a lot of trouble." I said.

He raised his eyebrows, "maybe I should come here more often." He said, pulling out his phone and handing it to me.

I typed my number into his phone and handed it back to him. His lips looked so kissable.

He must've thought the same because he leaned in and slowly kissed my lips. Sparks flew and butterflies formed in my stomach as we kissed.

He pulled away,"Ill call you later." He winked, walking away.

Later on that day, Zayn did call me, he called me every day after that day and were now both in an amazing relationship. I'm were so thankful for ending up with toilet paper stuck to my foot that day because I've ended up with the sweetest person I know. I love him.

This imagine was requested by the beautiful @CATAHSAM also known as Cathy, she wanted me to write this imagine so here you go Cathy! I hope it's good enough!

Thank you all!



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